Chapter 2

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'No! You can't make me do this! You have no choice. No! I can't offer my hand to that man, he will only use us! Darling we know your upset, but you have to do this for our family. Your grandmother would want you to do this. What grandmother wanted was for me to stay true to my self and do what I think is best, and I intend to do just that! Darling'!

??? Pov

"Mhm........ Huh"? The moment I opened my eyes, I was looking at a ceiling. I slowly sat up and saw that I was in a bed. I looked at my self to see me wearing a small plan white shirt and some black shorts. "What? How did I-". I looked around the room I was in until I looked in the corner.

'My sword'!

My sword was up against the wall and was within its scabbard. I started to get out of bed, but quickly stopped when pain shot through my body. "Ow"! I held onto my side tightly and shook in pain. I lifted up the shirt to she my waist was bandaged up and a bit of dried blood stained it. 'Wait, when did this happened'? I ran my had over the bandages and just stared at it for a while.

' What happened to me'?

I finally got out of bed and picked up my sword. I examined it a bit, making sure nothing was wrong and held it by my side. 'Now where am I'? I slow walked to the door and cracked it opened so I could peek into the hall. It seemed clear so I stepped out the room.

Once I got a good look into the hall I saw many doors. I wondered what was behind them, but thought it was best not to look. I started walking down the hall, and held the handle to my sword firmly, just in case something might happen. No much seemed to be wrong, except for a few blood splatters on a few doors, but let's not mind that. As I kept going further into the hall I came up to a stair case.

"Hm.....". I made my way down it,and as I did I started to hear voices. Yelling to be specific.. "I said give me that"! "You'll have to catch me first"! I want down the rest of the stairs and saw a opening to a room. I quietly went over to it and peaked into the room. My eyes almost popped out my head when I saw the people within it.

"Jeff I swear if you don't give me that back"! "You'll what Jane, go down like you did last time"? "Why you"! "Enough"! Suddenly a black tentacle came out and took the thing that was in the boys hand. "Hey"! "I swear you both are giving me a headache, now both of you sit down and be quiet". The boy and girl exchanged harsh looks before moving away from each other. I could only stare as I looked at all the others in there as well. They looked both amazing, and yet terrifying at the same time.

'Who are these people, and why am I with them'!? I started to panic within my head as I stood there by the door way. 'I have to get out of here, I can't just stay and let them all-'!? The next moment I felt something touch my shoulder. I didn't dare look as I froze up like a statue.

"I see your awake". A voice said sending a chill up my spin.

Without really thinking, I took my sword out its scabbard and held it to who ever was behind me. "Whoa Whoa clam down"! The person I was holding my sword to was a black and while clown with a cone shaped nose. He held his hands up and had a surprised look as I held my sword to his throat.

"Who are you, and why am I here"? I said in a harsh tone. "Look sweetheart I'm not going to hurt you if that's what you thinking, so why don't you just put down the sword and we can-". "Answer me"! I yelled. He jumped at my sudden raise of voice as I have him a dark look.

"Hey L.J what is going one"? I turned around to see the people that were in the room standing at the door way. "This chick is about to cut my head off that's what"! "Look I don't know who any of you are, but I want answers now"! I took my sword away from the clown and took my fighting stance. "Whoa, clam down were not going to kill you or anything thing". " Not very convincing from the boy with a knife in his hand".

The one with a carved in am smile looked at his hand to see the knife. He let out a nervous laugh and stuffed it in his pocket. "There it's gone, now will you put the sword down"? I said nothing and kept my stance "Look child we only want to help you". I looked over to look up at a tall faceless man in a black suite. "We actually did help you, you lost a lot of blood with that cut on you side". "what"? I lowered my sword some as I have a bit of a shocked look.

"What happened to me"? "We all aren't sure yet ourselves, but if you just relax we can all sit down and talk". I narrowed my eyes at the faceless man and looked over at everyone in the room. I wasn't sure if I should trust them, but I want to know what happens to me. So I let out a sigh and put my sword away.

"Very well".

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