Chapter 18

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"..........I don't want you to hang around Laughing Jack so much".

"What why"?

Charm gave Jason a confused look when he asked her that. Jason just looked at her and tried to find the right words. "Well. I just don't feel comfortable when your around him". "But why? His very Nice". "Well yeah, he seems that way at first". "What are talking about"? "Laughing Jack is one of the worst ones here. He can get too carried away and he doesn't know when to stop sometimes". "Well I see that, but he's also a very fun person". "Charm please just trust me. You should not be around him too much". "Jason, are you sure it's not just because your a little jealous"? Charm said crossing her arms.

 "What? I'm not jealous". "Jason I can tell that your jealous. For the past few days you've been acting weird and it seems to be when you see me and Jack together". "Charm I can assure you that I am not jealous of that silly clown". "Then why don't you want me around him"? "I just don't want you to get hurt". "Jack wouldn't hurt me". "You don't know that. Jack isn't the best with controlling his anger". "Jason you are the last one to talk". Jason was starting to get a little annoyed with Charm not listening to him. "Charm just please stay away from him". "Jason I know your worried, but I'm sure Jack wouldn't hurt me, we're good friends". "Oh your good friend huh"? Jason's eyes started to turn into a glare once Charm said that.

 "Yes good friend. Is that a problem"? "No no, just as long as you happy with Jack I'll be fine". "Jason". "What? I said just as long you happy with Him, I'll be fine". "Jason your being ridiculous". Charm got up from his lap and walked over to the couch. "Charm I'm sorry but I'm just a bit upset". "Why"? "Your always with him now. Your hardly ever with me now".  "Well Jason I like to be around the others too". "I know but your with Jack a lot more then me". "Jason your really staring to sound selfish". 


 Jason froze up a bit when Charm said that. "I understand that you love me and want to make sure I'm fine, but can't I be with someone other than just you? I really do love you Jason, but I'm not one of you dolls". I never said you were". "Then stop treating me like one". "I'm not". "Yes you are. You keep trying to tell me what and what not to do". "I'm only trying make sure you safe". "Well you can stop Jason, because the only one hurting me is you". Charm tried to walk past him and leave, but Jason grabbed her arms. 

"I'm the one hurting you"!? Charm looked at Jason's face and saw his eyes glowing green. "I'm only trying to protect you! Don't forget I'm the one who saved your life that night"! "Jason let go"! "No! I don't want you to leave me so you can go and hang out with that damn clown"! Jason increased his grip on her arm making her scream. "Ow! Jason that hurts"! "It gonna hurt a lot more if you leave me again"! "Jason stop it"!

 Out of anger Charm punched Jason in the face. Jason let go of her and back up a bit. After a few second, Charm realized what she just did. "Oh my god Jason I am so-"! "You little bitch"!  Jason pushed Charm to the floor roughly and growled. "Jason I'm sorry"! "Get out! Right now! I don't want to see you"!

 Charm quickly got up from the floor and ran out the room. She ran all the way down stairs and outside. Charm ran into the woods and didn't stop until she was out of breath. She leaned against a small tree and panted a bit.

'How could he do that!? I never thought Jason would do that to me'! Charm slide down to the ground and began to cry. She sobbed loudly and held onto her knees.

 'I never thought Jason would do something like that, what's wrong with him'? After a while off crying she slowed down a bit and just sat there. As she did all she could think about was the anger she saw in Jason's eye. She shuddered at the thought and hugged herself tighter. At that moment Charm didn't know what to do. After what Jason just did to her, she was scared to go back to the mansion. "What am I gonna do"?

"Do what"?

 Charm jumped at the voice sudden and looked up. "Jack"!? Jack gave her a smile, but it quickly went away once he saw that she was crying. "Hey what's wrong"? Charm just turned away and whipped away her tears. "It's nothing". "Well it has to be something if it's making you cry". "Jack please just go away". Charm tried her best not to cry anymore but a few tears still slipped out. Jack made a sad face and bent down to her. "Hey look, I don't like seeing you like this. So why don't you tell me what happened? Good old Jack is here". Charm looked up at him and saw him smile at her. Charm didn't really want to tell him about her and Jason's argument, but she really needed a shoulder to cry on. "Okay, but please don't tell anyone else". "I promise". 

"Okay.........well's actually about Jason".

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