Chapter 6

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The next day Jason didn't come to visit Charm like he usually does, which worried her. She feared that she did something wrong and made him mad at her. He didn't even come out of his room once the whole day. Charm wanted to go check on him, but she was still a bit nervous about doing so. So through out the whole day she would just go around and worry about Jason. When night came Charm was just sitting on the couch and thought about Jason. 'Why did Jason just leave yesterday? Did I say something wrong? I hope not. I would hate to make him upset with me. Especially after all the kindness he's shown me. I just wish I know more about him'.

"Hey Charm". "Huh"? Charm looked up to see Candy Pop in front of her with his hammer in his hand. "Oh hi Candy Pop, uh......why do you have a hammer"? "Oh I just got back from a good kill". "Oh........I almost forgot about what you all do". She let out a nervous laugh ran a hand through her hair. "You okay Charm, you seem a bit down"? Candy put his hammer down and sat next to her on the couch."No nothings wrong I'm just thinking is all". "Is is about Jason"? "How'd you know"? "Well during the past few days you've been here it kinda easy to tell. So what's wrong"? "Well that's just it, I don't know. We were talking the other day, then he just walked off". "What happened"? "Well he brought me my clothes, I told him more about my grandmother and myself, I thanked him for being a good friend, then he just left".

"Oh.......". Candy Pop looked to the side and sighed. "What"? "Well you see the word "friend", I kind of a sensitive thing for Jason". "What do you mean"? "Well I know he might kill me if I tell you, but Jason always go through something that involves a "friend" leaving him". "Wait, he's always being left"? "Yeah, he always tries to make a real friend but non of them ever make the part". "But why would they leave him"? Because their scared of him, remember Charm, we're all killers, so that makes it hard to find a real friend". Charm went silent and looked down. 'So that's why he's been acting distant, he doesn't want to get hurt again. But I wouldn't just leave him even if he does kill, he's sweet and kind'.

Charm continued to think to herself until she felt Candy put his hand on her shoulder. "Look Charm, don't blame yourself, Jason just has trouble with believing in having a real friend". Charm just looked at Candy Pop, until an Idea hit her. "Then i'll make him believe". She smiled and got up from her seat. "Where are you going"? "I'll be back, I'm just going to get something for Jason". Charm quickly left the house, leaving Candy Pop to wonder what she had planned.

Jason Pov

Here I was, working on yet another wax doll. I sighed as I finished and put the last finishing touches. As did, I started to think about the one thing I've been thinking about all day. What you may ask? Charm of course. I just felt badly for how I just walked out on her like that. I know she was just being nice, but I just didn't know how to respond to that. I said I wasn't going to get to attached, but look at where I am now. I finished up the doll and put it with the rest before sitting back down and continued to think about Charm.

'I hope she isn't mad at me. No, probably not mad, but she surely must be confused. I know I want Charm as my friend, but I just don't know if I can go through the same thing with her like I do with the others. I just don't know what to do right now'. At that moment a knock came to the door. "Hello? Jason"? I sat up a bit when I heard Charm's voice, but I didn't get up from my seat. "Jason I know your in there". I still didn't get up. Instead I just looked down, and hope she would just leave. "Jason please open the door. I want to fix this". I could tell there was sadness in her voice. It's something I learned I hated when I first meet her. I finally gave in, and got up to answer the door.

Charm stood there with a smile and her arms behind her back. "Hi Jason". "Hi". I turned around, and went back to my seat. Charm walked in and stood next to me. "Are you okay"? "I'm fine". I kept my head turned the other way so I couldn't look at her face. "Jason I'm sorry". I heard her say. "I didn't mean to upset you yesterday". "It's alright Charm, you don't need to apologize". "Yes. Yes I do. You treated me so kindly I would hate to make you upset. I just didn't know how much the word "friend" meant to you". I finally looked up at Charm, and gave her a shocked face.

"Candy Pop told me more about you". I growled and leaned over my desk. "I'm gonna get him later". "Don't be mad at him, I just wanted to know more about you". "Look Charm, what ever he told you, just don't worry about it. I do want to be your friend, but......". I trailed off and turned to my wax dolls. "I just can't seem to keep a friend myself". Charm looked over at my dolls, and gave a surprised look. "Are they......"? She began to ask. "Yes. These use to be my friends, but they all turned away from me". "Jason, just because they turned away from you doesn't mean I will". "I've heard that before". "Jason.....". "Charm please, I rather not go through the the same feeling with you like I do with others. Just please understand".

I looked down at my desk, and hoped that she would just take that. But I heard her walk closer to me. "Jason, I want to be your friend, and I'm going to prove to you that we will stay friends". I looked at her again, to see her move her hand from behind her, and held out a rose to me. I looked at the rose for a bit, before looking up at her to see her smiling. "What this for"? "It's so I can show you we'll always be friends". She held the rose closer to me and I took it in my hands. I just stared at it and looked back up at Charm. I know the girl loves roses, but what it suppose to mean?

"Jason. Do you know why I love roses so much"? I shook my head. "No, why"? "Because my grandmother loved roses. They were her way of spreading her love to people. Everyday, she would give people a rose to show them that they would always have a very special bond. And so I'm doing the same thing for you". Charm smiled at me brightly while I just stared at her. I just didn't know what to say. Soon a smile came onto my face and I held the rose closely.

"Thank you Charm, this means a lot to me". "Just remember, that no matter what, we will always be friends". "Of course". "I see that now". Charm smiled bigger and bent down to hug me. I felt my face heat up, but I still hugged her back. After a while, she pulled away, and looked around my room.

"I have to say Jason, your toys are amazing". "Thank you, I work hard on each and every one of them". "Do you think you could maybe teach me how to make a toy"? Charm put her hand behind her back and swayed a bit. "You really want to learn". "Of course, I would love a new new thing from a friend". She winked at the last part and giggled. I laughed to and nodded. "Alright, sit down and I'll show you". She sat down on the arm rest of my chair and I showed her how to make a simple stuffed animal. She smiled the entire time I was showing her and couldn't help, but smile myself.

'She's just so cute'.

The Rose and The ToymakerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora