Chapter 3

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??? pov

I was sat down at the kitchen table, and I was given a bit of food. As I ate everyone introduced themselves to me and  started asking me questions. "So first off, what is your name"? "My name is Charm, Charm Roseville". "Roseville"? The one called Slenderman gave me a wired 'look' once I said that. "I'm guessing you've heard of me". "Not you but someone named Violet Roseville". "Oh, that's my grandmother, she use to run our family business before my parent had to take over. She was well know around the world and would always bring honor to our name". "I see". "So if your grandmother is famous what would that make you"? "Hm"? "Well, your family must have been  all famous, so wouldn't you have a certain title"? "Well I am an heiress if that's what your asking". "An heiress, wow that's cool".

 I just smiled at Sally's comment and finished up my food. "So uh......i'm guess by what you did earlier your skilled with swords". Laughing Jack said. "Yes I am, my mother was a skilled sword fighter as was my grandmother before her, so I thought it was best for me to learn sword fight as well". "Well you sure did scare the hell out of me". "I'm very sorry, I should have handled that better". "Don't worry about it, I got the chance to learn something important". "And what is that"? "Never piss you off". I just giggled and looked at my sword.

 "So what happened to you"? 

"I'm sorry"?

 I looked over at Jeff. "When we all saw you your right hip was cut up". "Yeah, it wasn't deep enough for it to be too serious, but you lost a lot of blood and we had to sew it up". "My side"? I rubbed the injury and started to think back. 'What happened'? But as I kept thinking, I just couldn't remember. But why? I looked back down at my sword, but it didn't really help much. I just can't remember what happened to me. "Charm"? I kept my head down as I tried to find the right words."I..........I don't remember". "What"? "I don't remember, I know something bad happened, but the details are a complete blank". A sad look must have come on my face because Sally hugged me. "Don't be upset Charm, we can help you". "Really"? "Yeah, we all been through something bad in one way or another, so your just like us". "You can live here with us if you want". "Oh I don't know, I don't want to be a burden". "No it's fine, you can stay with us". "Well...........".

 I thought for a bit. They all seem nice and they did help me. Plus I doubt I'll be able to get around very well by myself. "Well alright I'll stay". "Yeah"! Sally cheered in excitement making everyone laugh. "Well thank you all for letting me stay". "Don't worry about it". "Well you should probably go lay back down, you need to rest until your wound heals". "I have to agree". I was still in a lot of pain so I made no argument into going back to bed. Slenderman helped me upstairs and all the way back to the room I was in. He helped me back into the bed and made sure I was comfy. "Do you need anything else". "Well not really, I just want to lay here for a bit". "Do you want a book to keep you occupied"? "That be nice". "I'll be right back then". Slenderman left the room and made sure to shut the door behind him. I got a bit more comfortable in bed and sighed. 'I do hope I don't have to stay here to long, I want to get back to my family soon. They must be worried sick about me by now, I hope their all okay'. As I kept thinking, the thought suddenly hit me.

  'Who saved me'?

Jason Pov

Yet another night I was walking home from my toy shop. As I walked I started to think about that girl again. It's been a few days since I found her, and she still isn't up yet. 'Slenderman did say with the amount of blood she lost it will take time for her to wake up, but it's been almost two weeks. Oh well, I guess I'll find out when I get there'. I wasn't that far from the mansion when Liquorice, who was on my shoulder like always, squeaked in my ear. "What are you talking about, i'm not worried about that girl"? Liquorice squeaked again, making me sigh. "I don't even know this girl, besides even if I did, she'll probably just leave me like all the others". I huffed a bit as I continued to walk. Liquorice has been bugging me about that girl since I found her. Just because I go to check on her doesn't mean anything. Beside, their all the same. They say their my friend, but then they turn away from me. And I rather not get hooked on this girl, just to have the same thing happen again. I'm just going to have to except the fact that I will never have  real friend.

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