Chapter 7

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A few weeks went by and Charm and Jason became very close friends. Every morning Jason would wait for Charm outside her door, and they would spend the whole day together. The would either be in his room working on new toys together, or go into the woods for long walks. The more time they spent with each other, they closer they became.

Jason found himself really caring for Charm. Since she proved she was a loyal friend he wanted to just be around her. Charm was different from his previous friends, she actually wanted to stay with. He just felt........happy.

Charm felt the same way. Jason was always so kind and sweet to her. Plus she understands what it's like to want a real friend. When your a wealthy heiress, it's not so easy to make friends. Growing up, Charm had to deal with many people who only liked her because of her last name. She couldn't really trust anyone that wasn't in her family. But Jason certainly changed that.

It still bugged Charm that she couldn't remember, and her nightmares continued to come, but she started to get use to it. She still kept them a secret even from Jason, but she thought it was best. She didn't want to worry anybody.

 One night some of the Creepypastas were getting ready to go out for a killing spree when Jason and Charm walked into the room. "Hey where's everyone going"? "We'er going out for a killing spree, it's been a bit of a while since we had one". "Do you want to come Jason, you've haven't killed in a while"? "Well......I don't know". "Oh come, you haven't even made a new wax doll in days, you should come". "Maybe he just wants to be with his new girlfriend". BEN joked.

Both Jason and Charm's faces went red, and Jason's let out a growl. "She's not my girlfriend"! Everyone started laughing as Jason continued to growl. Charm just stood there and blushed, not sure of what to say. After a short moment, she cleared her throat and walked up to Jason. "Jason if you want to go out I'm won't stop you". "Really". "Yeah, I know how you all are so if you need to do this, then go right ahead". He smiled at what she said and played with a lock of her hair.

"Alright, but your coming too". "Huh"? "I think it would be good if you come with us and see what were like, it would help you get use to living here". "Oh, I don't know Jason". "Please". Jason gave her a cute face and Charm let out a sigh. "Oh alright". Jason smiled bigger and brought her in for a hug. "Alright you love birds, let's got". "Cut it out"! Jason yelled at BEN again, and Charm only blushed.

Everyone left out and walked into the woods. Everyone just talked a bit while they walked and discussed about how things were going to go. "Hey I bet I can get more kills tonight then you Jeff". "Oh your on"! "Count me in"! "Me too"! Everyone started to get excited while Charm just watched with a weird look on her face.

"Are they always like this"? Charm whispered to Jason "Unfortunately, yes". They both continued to watch everyone, until Charm thought of something. "Hey Jason"? "Hm"? "Can we got to the cemetery before we go back home". "Why"? "There's something I want to do". Jason wasn't really sure what Charm had in mind, but agreed to it anyway. "Alright  we can go there afterwards". "Thanks". Charm held onto Jason's arm making him blush a bit.

Once everyone got close to town, they started to split up. Jason and Charm stayed together of course and just started walking anywhere. "So.......what are we gonna do"? "Well I can go inside a house and do it, you can just wait out here if you like". "Yeah, I'd like that". Jason nodded and choose a random house.

He went inside while Charm just sat down on the front porch. She sat there quietly for a few minutes, until she started to hear screaming. She stiffened up a bit and hugged herself. The screaming for some reason, made her feel uncomfortable. As the screaming grew louder, Charm began the shake.

' What is wrong with me, why am I being like this'? 'Charm stop'! 'What'? 'You can't do this'! 'Those voices'. 'I don't have a choice! You all want to ruin this family, but I won't let this happen! I WILL keep my promise'! 'Ahhhhhh'!

As the voices went through Charm's head she started to hyperventilate. ' What Is going on!? Why dose this keep happening!? What have I done'!? Right at that moment Jason walked out the house.  "Alright I'm done. We better move on before- Charm"?

Once Jason saw Charm's state he quick bent down next to her. "Charm? Charm are you okay"? Charm said nothing and continued to hyperventilate. "Charm speak to me. What's wrong"? "Those.......those voices.........and the screaming..........its so horrible". Jason just watched Charm as she shook in fear. 'Is she getting her memory back'? "Charm, Charm, snap out of it". Jason began to shake here to bring her back to her senses. Charm gasped and looked around her.

"J-Jason"! "Shh, calm down". Jason brought Charm into his chest and tried to calm her down. Charm continued to shake as she buried her face into his chest. "What happened"? Charm didn't say anything at first, but she slowly began to talk. "I....I heard screaming and a lot of yelling. And those voices, they were........". "They were what"? Jason listened carefully as Charm explained what she heard.

"They were my parents".

She went completely silent as Jason continued to hold her. After a short while, Charm moved away from him and go up. "Charm"? "I need to check something". She started to run down the street leaving Jason behind. "Charm wait"! Jason chased after her as she ran down the block. Charm ran past dozens of houses trying to get to her destination as quick as possible.

After a running almost a mile, she stopped and breathed heavily. Jason caught up to her and panted as well. "Charm.......where........where are we"? She didn't respond as she slowly looked up. Jason looked up too, to see that they were in front of a huge mansion. The mansion seem to be very dark and it looked like no one has been there for a long time. Jason stared at the mansion for a bit before looking back at Charm.

"Charm.....what is this place"? Charm continued to look up at the mansion as she whispered out.

"This is my home".

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