Chapter 4

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Jason Pov

I finally made to the mansion and just as I walked through the door I was greeted by Candy Pop. "Hey Jason"! "Hi Candy". "Another day at your toy shop I see. Anything new"? "No, same old thing". "Oh, well I have some news for you". "What"? "That girl you found, she finally woke up". "What"?

I looked at him with a surprised face once I heard what he said. 'She's finally awake'. "Is she okay"? "She's fine, still in a bit of pain, but she's fine. She's in the room resting right now". I looked over to the side a bit before turning back to him. "I'll go check on her". 

I was on my way up stairs when I heard a chuckle from Candy Pop. "What's so funny"? "Oh nothing really, it's just you seem to be very worrying about this girl". "I'm not worried about her". I growled. "I just want to be sure she can pull through, she was just a girl I found and was hurt badly nothing else". "Yeah....sure". Candy walked away laughing and I just glared at him as he did.

I continued up the stairs and went down the hall to the girl's room. As I was walking I started to think to myself. ' I do hope she well be fine, she really was in a bad condition at first. Plus with that sword she had I curious if anything serious happened, I was like she just got out a fight'. I made it to the room and just kinda stood there for a bit. Not because I was nervous, I'm just trying to get ready for what I might hear.

After a few minutes I finally knocked. "Come in". A soft voice said. I opened the door and walked inside. When I saw the girl, she was laying in bed with a book in her lap. She looked at me with a curious face as I walked inside. "I'm sorry, have we meet"?  "Well not officially, I'm Jason, Jason The Toymaker, I'm the one who brought you here". "Your the one who saved me"? She closed the book and sat up a bit. I walked over to the bed and stood at the side of it.

"Yeah, and when I first saw you you were hurt pretty bad, so are you okay now"? "Oh yes I'm fine, it's still a little hard to get around, but I should be fine in a few days". "Well that's good". "My name is Charm by the way". She held her hand out for me to shake, I did accept and gave her a smile. "It nice to me meet you". "So Jason, I have to ask why did you save me"? "Is it really unbelievable to you"? "No, I just want to know the reason you decided to help me. Anyone could have just left me like that".

I  understand why she wants to know so I decided to just tell her. "Well it would be wrong to just leave a beautiful girl like you to die, plus I am a nice person....most of the time do I wasn't going to just leave you to hurt". "Oh.........well Thank you, it was really kind of you". I could tell she was blushing a bit from me calling her beautiful, well I wasn't going to lie she is stunning. But like I said I'm not going to get attached. Besides right now I want to know the the answer to the main question.



"Can you tell me what happened to you".


She seem to hesitate with answering and looked down. "I......I don't know". "You don't know"? "I just can't seem to remember, I remember who I am and things in past, but when I try to think about what happened to me a few days ago, I get nothing".

I had a bit of a shocked look as I listened to what she said. ' She seriously can't remember getting hurt'. She just sat there and looked down while I stood there. "I actually really bugs me because if something bad happened to my family, I.......I just didn't know". She put her hands on her heard and let out a long sigh. I felt a little bad for her so I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"I can try to help you". "What"? She looked at me with a confused expression. "I'll help you to try to remember, I did save you so of might as well keep helping you". She just stared at me for a bit, but a smile soon came on her face. "Thank you Jason, you really are sweet person".

I could feel my face heat up as she smiled at me, so I quickly looked away. "Well I should go and let you rest". "Okay then". "If you need me, my room is up in the attic". "Alright, goodnight Jason". "Goodnight".

I left out the room and went up to my room. As I was on my way i just couldn't get my mind off Charm. ' Why am I feeling like this, all she did was smile and my 'heart' started to 'race'. What is wrong with me, I only just meet her.

I quickly went into my room and sat on the couch I had in there. I just continued to think about Charm. 'Maybe she's not that bad. She was kind and proper unlike most girls I meet, and she is really cute'. A small smile came on my face, but it quickly went away once I looked up at some of the was dolls I had in my room.

' What am I thinking!? She's not that different from them. She'll probably just leave as soon as she gets here memory back and forget all about me. I'm an not going to get attached to her, I will just help her and move on with my life. I am never going to have a real friend, that just how it has to be'.

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