Chapter 13

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Was all that Jason could say when he looked at the beautiful sight. What Charm showed him, was a amazing field of roses. The roses spread across the ground and hundreds of petal flew in to the air. Charm smiled at Jason surprised  face and walked out into the field.

"It amazing right? I us to come here all the time when I was little". Charm walked into the middle of the field and let the rose petals surround her. "It always did make me feel happy seeing the roses grow and the petal dance so beautifully in the wind".

"How do you know of this place"? Jason said walking up to her. "My grandmother. Her mother actually made it what it is today. When she was little she started planting small roses around here. Then as my grandmother grew up she watched the roses grow. She always said roses are like life, the go three difficult times and try to grow up like any regular person". Charm sat down and picked a rose. "But in the end, they blossom into something beautiful".

Charm twirled the rose in her hand and smiled. Jason sat next to her and played with her hair. "Your grandmother really sounds like a amazing women, I wish I could meet her". "Oh She would love you Jason, she always wanted me to be with someone as kind and sweet as you. Besides you actually care about me". Charm's smile faded and she placed the rose down.

"What's wrong"? "I'm sorry, I just can't get my mind off him". "Do you mean Jonathan"? "Yes, ever since you brought him up I just can't get him off my mind". "Charm remember what I said earlier, I'm not going to make you tell me, but I'm right here if you want to talk". Charm stayed quiet for a few minutes and let out a sigh.


Charm sat in Jason's lap so he could hold her while she talked. "It all started one day when I was sitting in the dinning room and ate breakfast with my parents. During the time I could tell something was on their minds. So when I asked them what was wrong I heard the one thing that filled me with rage".

"What"? "Jonathan was coming to visit, and I already disliked him before all of this. He was selfish, possessive, and heartless, the only reason I held my tongue before head was because his family made a good impression on mine". Charm's kind eyes turned into a dark glare. Jason was both shocked and a bit scared by her look.

'Wow L.J wasn't kidding'.

"The day he came he already showed his bad behavior the moment he walked through the door. I was hard, but I managed to to hold back my anger. During the day I had to endure him, but I just keep thinking about how this would be good for my family. But that feeling didn't last when we all sat down for dinner.

My parents told me they had something important to tell me, so not knowing what it was I listened. And what they told me was the most crushing thing that I ever heard. They..........they told me I had to marry Jonathan".

"What"? Jason was shocked to hear that. Charm was to marry another man. "So what did you do"? "I got angry. I yell at them and told them I would never marry a man like him, then I stormed off. After a few day I was still upset and I decided to go and talk to my parents about this, along the way, I heard Jonathan talking on the phone.

He said that his goal was to just marry me and do what he wishes. He did care about taking care of my family, he only wanted to make sure he got all the fame and fortuna". Charm's glare darkened even more as she thought about him. "I confronted him of course, but he was just to stubborn. So I went to my parents and together, but they wouldn't listen either. They wanted me to marry him, because they thought it would be best for our family. But I was going to do what I thought was best. I tried everything I could to make sure I would have to marry the brut, but nothing worked. No one would help me because they all thought I should do it. Then on the day before me and Jonathan's engagement party I tried to talk some sense into him, but I was only waisting my breath. He refused to budge. Then during our argument, he said I was just a stubborn little girl who didn't deserve my title. And I think that's when I snapped, Then the next thing I knew I was waking up in the mansion with my side bandaged".

Charm went quiet as she looked down. "I have no regret with killing  Jonathan, I just wish I spared everyone else". Charm's eyes finally lost there glare and she let out a sad sigh. Jason made her look at him and kissed her head.

"Its okay Charm, I honestly think you did the right thing". "Really"? "Yes. Think about it, if you didn't kill him that day, he might be you husband right now". Charm groaned in disgust at the thought. "Look I know you still upset about killing off your family, but just know if you did, we might not be together right now. So I say you did good".

Jason picked up the rose she picked and put it in her hair.  Charm smiled and hugged him. "Thanks Jason, you always so sweet". Charm kissed his cheek and continued to hug him. After a while, they layed on the ground and looked up at the sky. They held Each other for a while until Jason said something.

"You know what Charm"? "Hm"? "I don't think I've asked you yet". "Asked me what". "Will you be my girlfriend". Charm looked up at him and smiled. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend Jason". Jason brought her up for a kiss and continued to hold her.

"I love you my little rose".

"I love you too my amazing toymaker".

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