Chapter 22

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For the past few days Jason has been a mess. He hasn't left his work shop, all he did was sit there and look over Charm's dead body. His toys would try to comfort him, but Jason would always push them away. Jason didn't want to do anything. He didn't want to make new toys, go out killing, anything. The only thing he wanted was his little rose back.

One day Jason thought he would fix Charm up a bit. First he cleaned her up and closed up most of her wound. Then he took a black dress with small red designs and dressed her up. After, he put a red rose in her hair, and a few black and red ones in her hands. When he was finished he placed her back on the table and smiled at his work.

"Beautiful as always". He moved part of her hair out the way and put his hand on her cheek. As he did that empty feeling came back. Over the past few days, Jason found himself missing Charm a lot more the he expected. He missed how he use to wake up to her sleeping on his chest, the way She always smiled at him, and how cute she looked whenever she played with his toys. Think of it all only made Jason feel even more sad and guilty. Even after so many years of being without a real friend. He has never felt so hurt.

He took his hand away from Charm's cheek and sat back down. Like usual all he did was stare at her face. Even though he could never see her beautiful smile again, it was enough to just be able to look at her. As he did Jason felt like there was still something missing. He wanted to maker Charm look like she had everything she ever loved. Jason thought for a moment before it finally came to him.

He opened up the front of his vest and shirt before sinking his claws into his skin and opening up his chest. As he did and small blue light can from it and it revealed his small music box. Jason took it out of his chest and gently placed it into Charm's. The music played as it layed on top of Charm. "I know you always loved my music box, so I think it's best if you got to listen to it". Jason smiled lightly and sang along to music.

After a few hours, Jason continued to just sit there until He heard the door to his shop open. "Hey. Jason you in here"? Jason only sighed and got up to go to the front. When he did he saw Candy Pop standing by the counter. "Why are you here"? He asked. "I came to check on you. I haven't really seen you for the past few days". "I'm fine. So please just leave. "Jason". "Candy please. I really don't want to talk about it." "Then just listen. I know it hurts Jason, it was easy for anyone to tell the Charm made you happier then any other friend you ever made. She was special. Unlike any other girl she excepted you for who or rather what you are. Charm was a true friend to all of us, but she was much more then that to you. There's no need to hide that".

Jason just looked down at the counter as he listened to what Candy said. It was true. Charm was much more to him then just a friend. She was his beautiful little rose. "Well.......I just came to see if you were doing okay. You know if you want to come back to the mansion the doors always open. "I'm am never going back there. I do not want to see the monochrome clown ever again". "Laughing Jack? He went back to his carnival". "He did"? "Yeah. He said he felt guilty for what he did and that staying there wasn't really helping".

Jason just stood there for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Look Jason. Things will get better. Just remember Charm is still with you no matter what okay"? "Okay". Jason let a small smile escape as he looked at Candy Pop. "Well I'm off. See you later". "Bye". Candy left the shop and Jason just stood there for a while. With everything that was going on, it was honestly hard to believe that it was all actually happening.

He let out another sigh and turned back to go into his work shop. As soon as he did. Mr. Bunny came running up to him. "Hm? What is it"? He pointed to the direction of his work area and pulled on his pants to move. Jason gave him a confused look, but still followed him as soon as he got to his work area Jason's eyes almost popped out his head.


The spot on the table that Charm once was, was empty. Jason started to look around the room ,but didn't see any sign of her. "What happened!? Where did she go"!? Mr. Bunny just shrugged his arms as he looked up at him.

Jason started to run around the room to try and find Charm's body. He kept running around, but still couldn't find anything. 'No No No! I can't lose her completely'! Jason started to panic and breathed a bit heavily. He looked down at the floor and just paced around. 'She couldn't have just gotten up and walked away! What happened!? I have to-'!?

Jason stopped pacing and just stared at the floor. On the floor was a small trail of red and black rose petal. "Charm". He started to follow the trail all the way to the back, where he keeps most of his was dolls. When he came to the end of the trail he was in the middle of all the dolls.

"Charm! Charm"! Jason looked around, but only looked at all of his old friends. After looked at almost all of them, Jason looked straight ahead and look right at.


Jason froze up completely as he stared into her lifeless eye. 'What is going on? Why is all this happening'? Jason could only stand there as he stared at Maggie. At that moment Jason heard something that was all too familiar.


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