Chapter 8

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Jason and Charm just stood in place as they looked up at the dark mansion. It seem to be very beautiful, but it gave off a very dark aura. Charm started to slowly make her way to the door and Jason stayed close behind her. She stepped right in front of the door and started to slowly reach for the nob, but didn't touch it. She just stood there and stared at it. "Charm"? Jason got next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Why did you come here"? Jason thought it was best to get straight to the point on the situation and just come right out and ask. Charm stayed quiet for a while before letting out a long sigh. "Because I need to know". "What"? "Jason. You know since we meet, I've been having these.......nightmares, but I'm starting to think there not just nightmares". "What do you mean"? "The voices I hear. I know who they are, and every time I hear them, they mention something about my grandmother and my promise to her. They just might be my memories, but they just seem to be in pieces".

 Jason was in shock by what Charm was saying, but continued to listen to every word. "And......I think this place, my home, has something to do with it all. So maybe if I look in here, my memory will finally come back". Jason sighed and made Charm look at him. "Are you sure you want to, what if whatever's in here isn't anything good"? "I know your worried Jason, I'm actually terrified of coming in here as well, but I just can't take it anymore. I need to know". Jason looked deep into Charm's eyes and could see the fear, and worry in them, but at the same time he saw determination. He knew Charm wanted to find out what happened to her and how much she hated not knowing. So he knew he couldn't stop her. "Alright, but we stay together okay"? Charm nodded and faced the door again.

 She took a deep breath and slowly placed her hand on the door nob. She turned it and opened opened the door . "Ready"? Jason nodded and took Charm's hand in his before they walked in. The moment they walled inside, they were shock by what they saw. The mansion was very dark, making it a bit hard to see, but it didn't stop them from being able to see blood on the walls and floor. The blood was practically every where. And you could she small hand prints on parts of the floor. Jason could fell Charm's grip increase in his hand as she looked within the room. "W-what is this"? She whispered out. "What happened"?

  'Charm Please'!

 Charm flinched when she heard another voice in her head and Jason brought her closer to him. "Calm down. Everything's okay". Charm continued to shake as she looked farther into the mansion. She saw a hug stair case and pointed to it. "This way". Jason nodded and they walked over to it. When they got closer they could see more blood coming down it. Charm did her best to keep herself together as her and Jason walked to the higher level. The blood only continued down the hall as they kept walking. Jason saw Charm was breathing heavily and stopped. "Charm are you sure you can handle this,I can tell this is really freaking you out"? "No no, let's keep going. I have to find out what happened here". Jason sighed, but continued down the hall with her. After taking a few more steps, Charm stopped in front of a door. The door was black and had a big red rose on it, but unlike Charm's jacket the redness of the flower didn't drip down like blood. "Charm? Is this-"? "Yes". She interrupted.

 "This is my room".

 She reached for the door nob and opened it. When they looked in the room, they were surprised to see there wasn't any blood. They walked in the room, to try and see if anything was wrong. They looked everywhere, but everything seemed normal. "Maybe we should check in another room". Jason suggested. "No. We need to keep looking. I know there's something in here that's important". Jason didn't bother to argue as he continued to look around. Then he looked at a desk that was by the wall, and saw a small book. It had a rose stitched into it, and had 'Charm Roseville'. labeled at the bottom. "Charm"? "Hm"? "What's this"? Jason picked up the book and held it up so Charm could see it.  The second she realized what it was, her eyes widened and she rushed over to him. "My journal". She took it from Jason and ran her hand across it. "I use to write all my thoughts in here. Kinda like a diary". "Do you think it has something important"? "I just might".

 Charm un-clipped the seal and opened the book. She looked through the pages and read some of the things she wrote. She smiled a bit as she flipped through the pages. "I always wrote about how I wanted to honor my family, and keep my grandmother's name well know to others. It was a major dream of mine". Charm kept looking through the pages until she stopped at one of them. This one was bookmarked with a rose petal. 'What's this'? She took the rose petal out and looked at the page. He eyes widened once she read what was on it. "Charm what's wrong"? Jason noticed her shocked state and got a bit closer. "This was........this was the last page I wrote. The page I wrote on...........on that day". Charm started reading the page as Jason watched her quietly.

 ' I've had it. I'm done with all of them. They all are to blame. Every single one of them. My parents, Jonathan, the minister, EVERYONE! All I wanted was to keep my promise to my grandmother and keep this family honored, but they pushed me too far. I will do what i takes to make sure non of them ruin this family. Even if it means I have to dishonor the Roseville family, I will do what I need to to stop them all'.

Charm couldn't continue. It all became very clear. At that moment Charm saw everything. She saw how she was the reason for all the blood on the walls. She saw herself kill off everyone in the mansion one day. He parents, Jonathan, everyone. One of the maids tried to stop her, by getting one of the other sword they had in the house, but all she managed to do was cut Charm's side before getting her head cut off. Charm dropped the book and started to shake as the memories of that day went through her head. 'I did it. It was me. I killed them'! She covered her mouth and tears started to stream down her face. Jason got closer and turned her to face him. "Charm? Charm what's wrong"? "I did this". She whispered. "I'm the reason for all this. I killed everyone"! She started to scream as she cried harder. "I dishonored my family! I broke my promise! I ruined everything"!

 Charm fell to her knees and yelled loudly. Jason got next to her, and tried his best to calm her down. "Charm, calm down it will be alright". "No It won't I destroyed my own family! I broke my promise Jason! I ruined everything"! Charm cried loudly into his chest while Jason held her tightly". "Charm stop it you are not to blame for this". "Yes I am"! At that moment Charm's cries slowed down. Jason pulled her away a bit to see her with an unreadable expression.

 "It is my fault. And for this.............I don't deserve to live anymore".

 Charm quickly pushed Jason off her and ran out the room. "Charm"! Jason ran after her and chased her outside. "Charm come back"! Jason tried to catch up to her, but she was too fast. She ran into the woods so she could try to lose Jason. They ran past many trees, and slowly Charm started to disappear from Jason's field of vision. After a long while a running, Jason could no longer see Charm. He stopped running and painted heavily. "Charm! Charm"! He yelled out her name many times, but he didn't get a response. He started to make a sad face, but it soon turned into rage. His eyes started to glow green, and his hands turned black. He  lowed his head to the ground and growled loudly. 'No. I'm gonna lose her. I'm gonna lose my bestfriend'!


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