Chapter 16

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The next morning Charm slowly began to wake up. She let out a soft yawn and rubbed her eyes. Once her vision was clear she got a good look at her surroundings. "Huh"? When she looked down she saw she was in a room filled with toys. She was confused at first, but then realized some of the toys looked familiar.

'This is Jason's work shop'.

She quickly sat up and looked at all the toys."Why am I even here".Charm never really been in Jason's work shop. Sure he showed it to here whenever they went into town at night, but she never really been inside. Charm got up from her spot and started to walk around. She went to the back and saw a light blue door.

She was a bit curious so she slowly made her way over to it. She cracked it open a bit and peeked inside. As soon as Charm did, she saw more toys and wax dolls. She made her way inside and looked at all the toys and dolls as she walked.

"Hello? Jason are you here"? She didn't get a response and started to get a little annoyed. "Come on Jason, this isn't funny". After a few more steps Charm stopped and crossed her arms. 'Where is he'? The next second, two strong arms wrapped around her waist and picked her up. Charm was about to scream until she heard a voice say.

"Happy Birthday"!

Charm immediately knew who it was and a smile came onto her face. "Thanks Jason". Jason laughed and put her down so he could hug her properly. "So what do you think of my toy shop"? "It's really nice, you have a lot more toys here then you do at home". "Yeah, I usually do most of my work here. So are you ready for a amazing birthday"? "Of course, what have you got planned". "I'll show you, but first close your eyes". "Why"? "It's a surprise". Charm gave him a quick look, but did as instructed and closed her eyes.

Jason smiled and started to guide her through the room. At one point he stopped and pushed her in front of him. "Okay ready"? "I am". "Okay, open your eyes". Once Charm opened her eyes she gasped at the sight. The room was filled with toys, but they all had a rose addition to them. Show were holding roses, some had clothes with a rose design, and others would have roses for their eyes. Charm was amazed at the sight and turned to Jason.

"You did all this"? "Yup. It the thing I was working on the other day". "Oh Jason, thank you"! Charm jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. Jason hugged her back and felt happy that Charm loved his work. "Now lets sit down and have tea, and we'll watch the rest of the surprise". "There's more"? "Of course, now come on".

Jason pushed Charm over to a table with a small tea set and sat her down. He sat on the other side and poured her a cup. "So what's the next surprise"? Charm asked taking her tea. "This". Jason snapped his fingers and all the toys in the room begin to move. "Huh"!?

Charm almost drops her cup as she watched the toys stand up and go in front of them. "Jason how-"? "This is just a little ability I have my dear, okay everyone just like we practiced". The toys nodded and they all started to do a little dance.

Charm was still shocked about the toys coming to life, but she still smiled as she watched them dance around her. "Jason, this is amazing"! "This is one of the many thing I can do in my toy shop". The toys continued to dance around Charm who couldn't help but smile the whole time. Soon the dance ended and all the toy have a bow. Charm clapped happily and looked over at Jason. "That was so cute". "I glade you liked it my little rose".

Jason smiled at her and motioned one of the toys to her. This toy was a bunny, half red and a creamy color, had long striped sleeves and wore a small black vest. It went over to Charm, hopped in her lap and placed a rose in her hair. "Aww, why thank you. And who might you be"? She said picking him up. "That's Mr. Bunny, he's one of my best creations". "Well he's just adorable". Charm said hugging Mr. Bunny making Jason smile wider. "Well now that you've seen them dance for you, why don't we all play together"? "Sounds fun".

For the rest of the day, Charm and Jason played with all the toys he made. Charm was still amazed at how they could all moved, but didn't make a big deal of it. As they play Jason would just stare at Charm as she played with his toy. He loved the way She smile as played with all his creations, he was sure he made the right choice for a forever friend.

After a few hours Charm and Jason just layed on the couch together while Charm held Mr. Bunny in her arms. "Today was great Jason. Thanks for a wonderful birthday". " No need to thank me, I would do anything for you". "You know Jason"? "What"? "Your the only person, other then my grandmother who actually celebrated my". "Really"? "Yeah. My grandmother would always do something for me, but I wouldn't really get much from anyone other then her". "Well you don't have to worry about that anymore. From now on you'll have me by your side". "Well I sure am one lucky girl".

Charm kissed Jason's cheek and snuggled into his chest. Jason wrapped his arms around her and brought her as close as he could. As they layed together Charm decided to ask Jason something.

"Jason"? "Yes"? "Why do I always hear music coming from your chest"? "Oh that's my music box". "Music box"? "Yeah. You see I have this music box in my chest, that is also my heart. If anything bad happens to it I would die". "Oh.........that's a bit scary". "Don't worry, the only ones that know are us and the others at the mansion". "Well that's good". "So Charm do you have any more birthday wishes"? "Well.......".

Charm thought for a moment before looking up at Jason and smiled. "I just want to always be with you. I wish that you will never let me go". Jason smiled and brought her up for a kiss. "Wish granted". She let out a small giggle and snuggled into his chest again. "I love you Jason". "I love you too Charm". Charm soon fell asleep as she listened to the music from Jason's chest, who also soon fell asleep with her.

The Rose and The ToymakerWhere stories live. Discover now