Trust Issues

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I feel as if I can no longer trust anyone. I look at people and I feel as if pure hatred is filled with in them as they look back at me. I only have two friends at the most. I recently broke up with my boyfriend because he treated me poorly. Sometimes I think I should just run away but I remember that I need to finish school for myself. I have always wanted to be a police officer but I also have always wanted to be a writer. My mom, sister, dad, and I don't have the best relationship because I don't trust them to be completely honest. I am falling for a boy at school and I trust him completely. How do I start giving people my trust back when I can't even trust myself but I can only trust the boy I'm falling in love with? From; Maddie

Dear Maddie,

When it comes to following your dreams, you have to do everything in your power to get what you want. You want to be a police officer? Work for it! You also want to be a writer? Go for it! You can be whatever you want as long as you believe in yourself.

I don't know what it's like to not trust people, but if you want to get better, you have to look at it like its one of the dreams you want to follow. You have to work for it.

Start small with the trusting process.

Maybe spend time with your sister or parents. You could also start hanging out with people from school and gain new friendships and possibly realize that nobody hates you. Maybe you could start hanging out with the boy you like and his friends!

Hope this helps : )


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