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The clock points at 3am which inevitably the hour I always awoken, out of breath, gasping hardly for air.

I had to get out of bed and dragged myself downstairs to grab some of what is available on the refrigerator.

Anything is good, it might be a beer, a milk, coffee, fruit juice or even water is enough for my clenching thirst.

Water, indeed as I grabbed.

It is cool, and a perfect clean break from sleep.

Back in my room I decided to get some sleep again. I lighted a small candle enough to keep me warm and stable.

It had become a terrible habit, I wake up every day at this same hour and reach for a necklace but now, it's the small paper thing I'm grasping.

Truly, some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word.

Here he goes again. Popping out of nowhere and talk to me like it's okay, normal, fine, when the truth is-it never did.

I tried to close my eyes and never think about anything. I calmed myself and repeated in my thoughts that he's just being crazy as he has always been and he's never gonna be like that anymore 'coz as far as I know he's f-cking married and he’s just playing around.

"You never changed. You're still lovely as you were 2years ago. You're still the girl I used to love." 

His flowery words kept on repeating in my head and it was loud and clear enough to break my guard.

I rise from bed and decided to have some walk.

I grabbed my long brown cardigan and in my pair of pajamas I walked around not knowing where my feet might bring me.

Morning has come, yet it is still dark as the night sky. I believed that I’ve change, I'm not a morning person anymore like I used to be.

Simply ‘coz mornings are terrible, it reminded me of so many things I used to forget.

I walked out of the house, hugged myself and I felt something deep down in my spine.

I let out a small sigh and take out the piece of paper from my pocket.

It was safe and perfectly folded into two and the paper was as colorful as the tulips he always gave me back then.

'Until we meet again.'

Fairly written at the middle part and his ever drastic handwriting I will never forget; I carefully studied his penmanship when I suddenly noticed something was written at the back of it.

The Legendary GANGSTER Meets Miss BRAINY Girl (KathNiel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon