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Seeing him face to face reminded me of so much pain.

It reminded of how worthless I am to him, and how much he have moved on since I'm gone.

It pains me to see that he's okay with this.

That he's more than fine since our break up.

I mean, how could he just popped up from nowhere and talked to me like it never happened. Like he never broke my heart and hurt my feelings.

How could he.

I crawled up to my bed and my painful feelings starting to sink in again. Flashbacked of memories happen like it was just yesterday.

As if he just leave me hanging yesterday. It was that fresh and raw.

"I told you-you can use me." He whispered softly in my ear.

Touching my cheeks up to my eyes; wiping my sadness away.

"You know I can't do that to you" I said as I shook my head.

"But I'm more than willing to do this.  More than anyone else, you know I'm the only one who can help." He grabbed my hands and gripped it tightly.

"But I'm not going to use you as a rebound, you're more than special to me Seyd you have to know that. That's why I'm not buying your suggestion. Not in any way or form. No." Tears starts streaming down my face as I let out a deep sigh.

"I'm not going to force you this early. I know somewhere in your heart you'll find a great space for me to fit in. I don't want to be just your special friend-I want you for real and I'm willing to wait even if it takes me a lifetime. " He said in a very serious tone.

I smiled abruptly.

An awkward silence filled in inside the clinic.


Days passed and so far so good, I'm doing fine.  With Seyd's help and of course with the help of my true friends.

I kept on seeing Iya giving me a devious look every time I saw her down the hallway. There's nothing I could do but ignore her bitchy attitude.

I'm not going to let her affect me 'coz simply I'm not at her level. She's way too cheap now that I know what she has done to Chase.

She's impossible.

Flirty, dirty bitch.

The Legendary GANGSTER Meets Miss BRAINY Girl (KathNiel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon