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I'm proud of us, all the readers, my special fans who did everything to keep this book's stats up, thank you, this book exceeded every expectation of mine, and, I owe it all to you. Thank you all, you little adorable carrotsticks!! I LOOOOOVE UUUUU! *jumps into river from mountain top*..... or something like that, I don't actually have the guts.....

I came to the conclusion that my chair was bolted to the ground.

I also came to the realization that we were on a ship. A moving ship, and that, soon, I was going to face my father.... and kill him.

The gun was cold in my hands, despite Jessica holding it for hours.

"You have. no. choice" she hissed at me, red hair waving frantically. But that was her mistake. I had a choice, a had so many choices that it was crazy. I laughed at her, and her eyes narrowed as tight as her grip on my arm. I could feel the bruises forming, but that was the least of my worries.

"I'll kill him Emily, I swear I'll do it!" she snapped, but I kept my face blank. She wouldn't, she wouldn't dare. She was as obsessed with Lucas as she was with revenge. No matter what happened, she'd do anything to keep him alive.

"You wouldn't, we both know it" I said back, I was walking on thin ice, but that one sentence gave me the most confidence I'd ever felt. She slapped me. Right across the face. I rubbed my cheek and jaw, before smiling at her. "Nice hit" She laughed right back at me, before pressing the gun harder into my hands. "You know what to do, Emily" But did I really? Did I really know? I scoffed, and left my hand open, not accepting the gun. "Why would I help you?" I asked her, and she leaned in closer to my face, her perfume clogging up my air. "Because your father, is the same man who left both of his kids to die without a second doubt" I rolled my eyes. I don't give two cares about her sappy story. My father was right to leave her. He probably knew she'd turn out evil. And me? I don't even care about myself anymore. I just want to keep the guys alive.

I shook my head, and threw the gun to the floor. Jessica glared at me, and picked the gun up. She turned to me and smiled, "Bad choice" she said, pointing the gun at Lucas. I watched her fingers tremble slightly over the trigger. "You wouldn't" I stated simply, laying back down in my chair. I may have sounded confident, but inside, I was bubbling like mad. All the risks I was taking to save my father and the people who wouldn't care if I died. Jessica didn't turn back to me, she just stared at Lucas as he glared at her. "Imagine a life without him, Jess, I could be gone, no problem, but, imagine a life without Lucas... without him ever having a chance to love you" I said, leaning forward in my seat. Tyler gave me a warning glance, still strapped to his chair.

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