Chapter Twenty-Four

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Ariel POV

Ever since Kameron dropped me off I have been waiting for him to come home. It was now midnight and he was still not home; I even tried calling him but his phone was off. I know he was having a hard time with everything that happened but he needed to talk to his mom. Right now she was all he had besides me and he didn't need to take that for granted. I know what his mom did was foul but in this world sometimes you have to protect yourself.

After waiting another hour I decided it was time I find him and bring him home. I called a cab and told him where to go. I was pretty sure I knew where he was and soon as I got there I was right because I found his car parked outside. I walked until I found him; he was standing on a dock bent over on a rail.

"You always came to this park when you were frustrated," I said walking up to him and joining him. He didn't look up at first but eventually did. I could tell he had been crying and was trying to hold it together but sometimes it's better to just let it out. "You should be in bed," he said looking back straight ahead. "So should you."

"I told you I would be home soon."

"That was almost five hours ago Kameron, how long did you expect me to wait."

"I just needed to clear my head. I needed some time to think."

"Okay then I will think with you," I said leaning against the rail. "You need to go home and rest," he said looking at me. "I could say the same about you."

"The last thing I want to do is rest."

"Then what do you want to do," I asked looking at him.

"I want my mom to go back to where she came from and I want all this shit I have to keep going through to end. I'm tired Ariel and there is not much more I can take."

"Kameron we both have been through I fair share of shit but you can't just shut down on me."

"You know I used to come here a lot after we lost our daughter. I just used to come up here and cry and ask God why he was doing this to me, why he had to take away my first child. This was the only place I knew I could come to and not be judged and I knew I was safe."

"Kameron I know what your mom did was wrong but she is still your mother. She may not have done her duties as a mom but she did chose to keep you and she did try to protect you. You need to go talk to your mom Kameron."

"Don't tell me what the fuck to do! You don't know shit so don't fucking try!" I nodded and then turned around to leave. I knew he was upset but I was not about to stand around and let him yell at me like I was some damn child. As I was walking I was grabbed and pulled back. "Let me go Kameron, I'm going home."

"I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated."

"So you take out on me," I asked turning around to face him. He looked down like he was thinking, "Look Kameron I know what your mom did was fucked up but at least you still have your mother. You can go see your mom whenever the fuck you like, but most people out here can't. Not everyone has a perfect life but you deal with it and move on. Trust me I know; I have spent plenty of days wishing I had my mother but I don't and you don't see me going off every chance I get. Kameron we have both lost people and we both have gone through a lot of shit but we can't let that take us down." I grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach, "You can't let that take away our second chance."

"Fine I will go talk to my mom tomorrow but right now I need to get you home."

"No, first you need to stop by McDonalds and get me some food because you turned into a drama queen before I could even eat."

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