The past ☽

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The past ☽


"Okay girls. Today we're gonna each discuss what makes us beautiful and why. Now don't say that you don't find yourself beautiful because we all got one thing we like about ourselves." Anna told us making eye contact with each of us.

We all nodded our heads.

I can't stop looking at that girl Kamryn, she seems so vaguely familiar. Where do I know her from...?

"Okay Kamryn you'll go first." Anna said pointing to Kamryn before going over to her desk and leaning against it.

She nodded her head and cleared her throat.

"Well one thing I find beautiful about myself is my confidence." She stated smiling a little bit.

That's Kamryn! The Kamryn that use to bully me in school. She looks completely different and I have to admit she looks pretty. What is she doing here? She use to act so tough when we were in high school.

Kamryn was definitely one of my worst enemies and deep down inside I still feel some sort of hate for her. Especially because of what she did when I last seen her...

After getting my books for my next classes I quickly headed towards my class.

I was almost to the door when out the corner of my eye I seen Kamryn standing against a locker with her arms crossed while chatting with her clones.

"Someone's late." She said while popping her bubblegum.

"So are you." I said like it wasn't obvious.

She gave me a fake laugh before walking towards me.

"Don't get smart you ugly dark bitch." She snapped cracking her nuckles .

"I wasn't getting smart stupid ass." I replied back with little bit of courage.

She held her hand over her mouth in shock.

"Look who's gain some courage....your gonna get enough of talking back to me bitch." She said as the girls behind her came closer to me.

They all boxed me in.

"Let's get her girls...." Kamryn said before she punched me really hard sending me flying back into the wall.

I started to close my eyes and seep into unconsciousness.

Before I closed my eyes I heard:

Your little boyfriend isn't here to protect you now

After that one of the teachers found me and took me to the nurse. I was sent home and I told my mom everything. She ended up letting me move schools to get away from her.

I'm still not over what she did to me. She was so cruel and very malicious. I still don't know why she always picked on me, like I was the only one she was doing it too.

"Karmella!" Anna snapped making me turn towards her.

I must've been too deep in thought that I didn't hear the other girls go.

"Yes?" I asked her embarrassingly tucking some hair behind my ear.

"It's your turn." She told me with a sweet smile.

I smiled back before nodding my head.

"Well the one thing I find beautiful about myself is...." I carried on trying to think of something.

"I--uh-um." I mumbled staring down at the ground.

"Go on." Anna encouraged gesturing for me to finish.

"I like my personality." I mentioned before looking back up at her.

She kind of had a look of disappointment on her face before she nodded.

"It's alright Karmella. We'll work on that." She stated before telling another girl to go.

Great now I feel bad. I should've said something else but for some reason nothing came to mind. I don't think I'm a ugly person it's just that I don't find myself beautiful. It's nothing serious I'm just content with how I look.

"I want you to know that you're all beautiful and that you shouldn't be insecure." She assured us staring dead into my eyes.

Kamryn in mm 😍❤️

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