The split ☽

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The split ☽


"Good morning sleepy head." Karmella said once I finally opened my eyes all the way.

I smiled and put my hands on her waist. She's sitting on me which makes me a little excited.

"Good morning beautiful." I replied back leaning up and kissing her cheek.

She smiled wide making me attack her cheek in kisses.

She giggled and pushed me back.

"Stop it." She said trying not to smile.

I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Hey, what time is it?" I questioned looking around to find some sort of clock.

The clock next to her bed read 8:09 am.

"Why? Do you have to leave?" She asked with a little disappointment in her voice.

"Yeah. My mom's probably worried to death." I told her as I gently laid her on the bed before getting out of the bed.

"Okay. Well get home safe." She mumbled as she laid back on the bed.

I nodded my head before putting on my shirt and shoes.

"I'll see you later , okay?" I said looking at her.

"Yeah. Bye baby." She said then she leaned over and kissed me on the lips.

"Bye." I replied back before leaving out of her room.

I feel connected to her in some way like if I leave her for one second something's gonna happen to her. I can't let anything happen to her because she means so much to me and I don't know what I would do if she got hurt in any way.

I left out of her house without her mom catching me and then I made my way towards my house.


I'm actually shocked to walk into the house and hear complete silence.

Something must be up because my parents aren't arguing and my mom is waiting for me in the living room.

"What's wrong?" I asked my mom once I saw her with her head in her hands.

Her head shot up when she saw me and she jumped up to walk over to me.

"Where were you?" She questioned grabbing my hand gently.

"I was at my girlfriend's house." I told her.

She sighed before a smile surfaced onto her face.

"Good. I'm glad you had somewhere to sleep." She said hugging me.

"Where's dad?" I asked her looking around.

"He's upstairs packing some of his stuff." She told me like it was nothing.

"Why?" I asked a panicky feeling coming over me.

"Son, your mother and I decided it was best if we separate and if you come with me to Georgia." My father explained coming from behind me with a couple of bags.

"What do you mean come with you to Georgia? I'm not leaving!" I protested giving him my death glare.

"Jacob! It's better if you go with your father. You need a father figure in your life and we need to work out our differences apart." My mom tried to explain to me but I looked away blocking everything she said out.

"I need to stay here. I can't leave Karmella. She's the only person who gives a damn about me!" I snapped about to walk away but my father stopped me by putting his hands on my shoulder.

"We're sorry Jacob but you don't have a option. You're coming with me and that's final. I already have your things packed so get your bags and let's go." My father demanded handing me my bags.

"I don't even get to say goodbye?" I said with a tear coming out of my eye.

"I'll let her know for you." My mom said making me roll my eyes.

"Whatever." I said before walking off with my bags in my hand.

"I love you Jacob!" My mom yelled after me.

"No , you don't." I responded back not even caring that I hurt her feelings.

I can't believe I'm leaving Karmella behind and I don't even get to say goodbye.

I didn't want to admit it before but I think I love her

Awwww poor Jacob just imagine how Karmella is gonna feel. 😢

Is Jacob's parents wrong?
How do you guys think Karmella is gonna react?
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Xoxo - msfanfictional 😇

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