Mr. Boss Man ☽

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Mr. Boss Man ☽


"Jacob wake up." I said poking his cheek a little bit.

He didn't budge.

"Jacob!" I yelled slapping his arm.

"Ugh alright I'm up." He finally said holding his hands up trying to block his self from another slap on the arm.

"Here I made you breakfast." I told him grabbing the tray and setting in on his lap.

"Yum this smells amazing. Thank you baby." He replied leaning over and kissing my cheek.

I smiled and nodded my head.

"You're welcome. I just wanted to make you breakfast before I head to this photo shoot." I mentioned kissing his cheek as he stuck a sausage into his mouth.

"It's greatly appreciated and good luck with your photoshoot." He said sticking a thumb up.

"Alright now. I'll see you later." I told him kissing his cheek one last time.

"Okay bye." He said before stuffing some more food in his mouth.

I smiled and walked out of his room and then headed outside to my car.

I have to make a stop at my house to shower and change. I hope I make it on time.


After stopping at my house and changing I finally made it to the shoot five minutes late. I'm not late to anything so I kind of feel bad even though it's only five minutes.

As I walked in late everyone turned to look at me before going back to what they were doing.

"Finally you are here. I thought you wouldn't show up." Christian said coming over to me.

I gave him a apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry I kind of got caught up." I mentioned nervously playing with my hair.

"It's fine just don't let it happen again. That's Amanda over there and she'll do your hair and makeup. That's Jessie and she'll help you with your outfit. Now Jessie and Amanda work your magic on her." Christian instructed them.

Jessie came over to me and dragged me off into a separate room.

After showing me my outfit I slipped off my clothes and put that on.

After Jessie was done with me Amanda came into the room and did my hair and makeup. I look absolutely flawless.

"You like what you see?" Amanda asked making me smile.

"Yes I do a lot." I replied back.

"Well go out there girl and show them what you got." She said patting my shoulders.

I nodded my head and got out of the chair.

I went out back to where I was in the first place and they stood me in front of a green screen.

"You look very beautiful by the way." Christian said looking me up and down with a satisfying grin.

I blushed a little while looking down.

"That's nice. Do that again." The camera man said pointing his camera at me.

I repeated what I did and he instructed for me to do something else.

"Okay now give me a straight face." He instructed.

I nodded my head and gave him a straight face.

"Perfect. You might be a natural at this." He said making me light up on the inside.

I thanked him and we continued on with the shoot.


"Wow you're truly amazing." Christian told me as he walked up to me with two glasses in hand.

"Thank you so much." I beamed taking the glass as he handed it to me.

"Here's to new beginnings." He said holding up his drink.

"Cheers." I said clanking my glass against his.

"Cheers." He repeated taking a sip from my drink.

I took a few sips from my drink before setting it down on a nearby table.

"Not much of a drinker huh?" He asked looking over at my glass.

"Not really." I replied back honestly.

"Well that's a good thing Karmella." He said nodding his head.

Did I forget to mention that I love the way he says my name? I just love how his British accent sounds saying my name.

I blushed and looked down.

"I just love the way you look when you blush. You just seem so fragile and innocent." Christian told me taking another sip of his drink.

"Well I'm not as innocent as you think." I replied back smiling at him.

"Oh really?" He asked.

I nodded my head.

He leaned up close to my ear..

"I'm starting to like you. Really , really like you."

Karmella in mm😍❤️😊

Oooooo flirting.....

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