Missing you ☽

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Missing you ☽


"Jacob , are you gonna come out of that room?" My dad asked for the millionth time today.

"Nope." I replied back simply.

Since I've arrived to Atlanta I've been in my room the whole time. What's the point of coming out of it if the person I care about isn't on the other side?

"Well you start school in a few days then you'll be forced to come out." He threatened making me suck my teeth.

"Whatever man. Leave me the hell alone." I replied back.

I heard him sigh and then I heard his footsteps letting me know he's leaving.

I'm laying down on my bed clutching my pillow and all I can think about is Karmella.

I miss her so much and I can't even imagine how she reacted when my mom told her. I bet she feels lost just like how I feel right now.

I spent two days crying over it and I'm all dried out of tears.

I wish there was someway I could talk to her but my dad has not given me my phone back.

I just wanna be there for her when she feels like crying or tell her she's beautiful when she's feeling insecure.

I just wanna be her man.....


Karmella's POV

"Mom , I don't want to go to school today." I begged making my brown eyes big.

"Kar you can't keep running forever. You have to go to school and show them girls you're nothing to play with!" She said sternly.

I sighed as I got up from my seat at the kitchen table.

For the past hour I have been begging my mom to not make me go to school. Since Jacob has been taken away from me I don't have anyone to protect me at school and Kamryn's gonna bother me.

"Fine. I'll go to school." I said through gritted teeth.

"That's my girl!" My mom exclaimed kissing my cheek and putting car keys into my hands.

"Your letting me drive your car?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

I been had my license for a couple of months now but my mom still thought I needed more practice so she hasn't let me drive anywhere.

"No, I'm letting you drive your car. Follow me." She said with a smile walking towards the front door.

"Okay." I said simply before following behind her.

I gasped once I went outside to see a all white jeep sitting on our driveway.

"Mom, really?" I asked with the biggest smile on my face.

"Yup! All yours kiddo." She replied back making me jump up and hug her.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I repeated in her ear.

She giggled before pulling me back.

"Get to school before you're late!" She scolded pointing over to the car.

I nodded quickly before running over to the car , unlocking it , and getting in.

I felt around on the leather seats and took in the smell of a brand new car.

I rolled down the windows and smiled at my mom.

"Thank you again." I said.

"You're welcome. It's about time you got your own car. Get to school safe love." She told me while waving.

I waved back at her before putting the key into the ignition and pulling off.

Is she the best mom or what?


I almost didn't want to leave my car as I got out of the car and ran up to the building.

The hallways are empty because I'm late for class.

After getting my books for my next classes I quickly headed towards my class.

I was almost to the door when out the corner of my eye I seen Kamryn standing against a locker with her arms crossed while chatting with her clones.

"Someone's late." She said while popping her bubblegum.

"So are you." I said like it wasn't obvious.

She gave me a fake laugh before walking towards me.

"Don't get smart you ugly dark bitch." She snapped cracking her nuckles .

"I wasn't getting smart stupid ass." I replied back with little bit of courage.

She held her hand over her mouth in shock.

"Look who's gain some courage....your gonna get enough of talking back to me bitch." She said as the girls behind her came closer to me.

They all boxed me in.

"Let's get her girls...." Kamryn said before she punched me really hard sending me flying back into the wall.

I started to close my eyes and seep into unconsciousness.

Before I closed my eyes I heard:

Your little boyfriend isn't here to protect you now

Karmella in mm 😍💕

What do you guys think about Jacob wanting to go back to Karmella?
What do you guys think about Karmella's mom buying her a car?
What do you guys think about Kamryn bullying Karmella?
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Xoxo - msfanfictional 💖

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