Karmella ☽

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Karmella ☽

Since I was little I've always been quiet and shy. I guess the shyness turned into me being insecure about myself and feeling like I'm not good enough. That's my problem now I don't think I'm good enough. No matter how much my mother said I was beautiful I never believed it , I'm not beautiful.

As I walked into my high school I could hear them whispering. I just stare down at the ground and continue to walk to my locker.

I never really had any friends at all because of my shyness and when I did actually have one it was always awkward when we were around each other. The lack of conversation is what broke us apart.

Kamryn is now one of the most popular girls in the school and she's also one of my bully's. I guess you can say that our friendship meant nothing to her because now she makes fun of me and teases me about stuff I only told her. You can't trust everybody.

Once I make it to my locker I open it to fetch out my history book and science book because I will be having those classes next.

"Ew I thought you would've moved by now." Kamryn taunted as her and her group of friends surround my locker.

"Just go away." I mumbled as I closed my locker and tried to walk past her.

She pushed me back against the lockers hard enough to make my back hurt for weeks like last time.

"You're not going anywhere with your ugly ass!" She snapped making everyone in her group laugh.

I winced from the pain and a tiny tear came out of my eye.

"Awwww is the little baby crying." She teased before pushing me against the locker again.

"Kamryn please stop." I pleaded picking up my book that had fallen when I got pushed the second time.

She rolled her eyes. "I'll see you later loser." She said before one final push.

After that her and her little posse walked away while laughing leaving me on the ground in pain.

I sat on the ground for a few seconds to recover from the hard pushes and then I got up while picking my books up too.

It's an everyday cycle for things like that so I've gotten use to it.

Girls like me aren't meant to be here.

Kamryn is an asshole right?

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Xoxo - Msfanfictional ❤️

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