Him ☽

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Him ☽


I've always thought that I was put on earth for a certain purpose and that I'm completely different from all the others.

My mother always says that I'm unique and there will never be anyone like me in this world but I just shrugged it off because parents lie all the time. Parents are suppose to tell you good things and gas you up on compliments.

"Okay class so it looks like we have a new student." My math teacher started to say as the new boy stood in front of the classroom.

He stared around the class with a smirk on his face.

From the way that he is dressed you can tell that he's one of your wannabe bad boys.

He's actually really cute but I don't really judge people before I actually have a conversation with them so I'm not gonna judge him based off of how he looks.

"Can you introduce yourself to the classroom young man?" Our teacher asked sending him a friendly smile.

If only he knew that she's really strict and snaps on anyone that makes a sound.

"I'm Jacob Latimore." He spoke introducing hisself with a small smile.

Everyone gave him lazy hey's or hi's trying to keep their eyes open.

"Well you can take a seat in our only available chair and turn to page 69 in this book." She told him while handing him a workbook.

I looked next to me to see the only empty chair in class. Of course he sits next to me.

He nodded his head , grabbed the book, walked to the empty seat and sat down.

"Okay class lets go over this problem once more for our new student." Our teacher stated going over to the white board.

As she explained the problem I couldn't help but look over at the new student.

Just like me he wasn't paying attention at all he was keeping hisself occupied on his iPhone 6.

I'm practically one of the smartest kids at school so I don't really pay attention much. I know most of the stuff.

He is actually cuter up close. He's actually very attractive with his perfect brown skin, his great jawline, his white teeth, and I bet he has a lot of muscles.

He caught me off guard when he said "what?" While looking over at me.

I didn't know what to say so I just stared at him and shook my head.

"Nothing." I replied quietly looking down at my workbook.

"Before class is over I want you all to complete a couple of problems and show me once the bell rings." Our teacher instructed us before going over to her desk.

I did the four problems on the page easily as I looked over I seen Jacob struggling to finish the third problem.

"Do you need help?" I asked quietly making him look up at me.

"Nah , I don't need any help from you." He snapped back before returning to the problem.

I mentally rolled my eyes before going up to the teacher and showing her my answers.

"Good Job Karmella on being the first one finished and with the correct answers too!" My teacher announced.

I nodded my head and walked back to my seat.

"Teachers pet." I heard Jacob mumble.

It's not my fault I'm smart.

Jacob in MM 😍🍭

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