Ch. 39 A Confession.

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*Elliot's P.O.V.*

It's been a couple days, and Alice's confession of love for me couldn't stop replaying in my mind. And despite the fact I tried to convince myself she was just hopped up on pain meds, it was too late. The seed of hope had been planted. Perhaps, she returned my feelings?

*Alice's P.O.V.*

Ryder stepped into my room, as I sat up, reading a book. The doctor said because of the cut on my abdomen I wouldn't be able to walk without hurting myself. He sat down. "Hey Ryder, I'm glad to see your alright." I greeted, he gave me a sheepish smile. "Alice, I just want to apologize for everything I've done. Manipulating you. I know you trusted me, and the thing was that I didn't trust myself. I was stupid, rebellious. I thought I could having anything I wanted. So spoiled, so stupid," he ramble. Surprise rolled through me for a few seconds. I wasn't mad about him cheating on me anymore. It paled in comparison to the other things that happened.

"Anyway Alice, I may have made out with Nisha, but I still have feelings for you." My heart nearly stopped in surprise.

*Ryder's P.O.V.*

She stared at me with those unnerving but reassuring dark, nearly black eyes of her's. I saw the surprise in her expression but it was true. I still loved Alice. I shouldn't never have betrayed her like that.

*Elliot's P.O.V.*

I was walking to Alice's room, I'd finally gathered the courage to talk to her. But as I approached I noticed the door was opened slightly, like someone had went to close it but it didn't close all the way. That's when I caught a glance of Ryder in there. He hadn't talked to Alice since she'd woken up. So I leaned against the doorframe to wait for him to leave. That's when I heard it.

"...but I still have feelings for you." I caught a snippet of their conversation, and my heart shook. "Alice, I know I've done wrong, but I think -" he let out a little breath, "I think I'm in love with you." My entire body stiffened. She'd say yes to him. I know she would. Alice had the hugest crush on him since the beginning of high school.

"Oh Ryder..." I tuned out whatever she said next, walking back down the hall.

Golden Boy always got what he wanted anyways.


Sorry about the late update guys.

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