Ch. 11 Hurt.

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*Alice's P.O.V.*

I felt the color drain from my face as Elliot told me about what happened. I'd been possessed basically. Horror consumed me, and I weakly sat down at my desk, glancing at my journal, and sighing. This was turning into too much drama. "So Alice, are you going to tell me what's been happening to you?" He asked, standing there expectantly. Looking up at him, it was as if the energy was drained out of me. "Don't you want to go to sleep or something?" I asked, running my fingers through my hair. Elliot stared down at me, "You said I deserved those answers, unless you want me to walk out there and tell the others what actually happened." My gaze shot back up to him.

"Fine," I snapped, "Ever since about a week before coming here, I've been having horrible nightmares about a girl named Callie, and her being tortured. I've also been having hallucinations, drawing her in my sleep, and now it seems, getting possessed by her." I explained, Elliot stared at me, he was completely silent. "Anything else?" He asked slowly, oh hell yes, there was a lot more. Like how the girls I've been seeing in my dreams went missing here 20+ years ago, or the old woman I keep dreaming about."Yes, but you should probably go, I'll tell you later if you must know." Now it wasn't an option, I wanted to be alone.

*Elliot's P.O.V.*

She looked so broken as she sat there at her desk, so tired and lost. Whatever is going on in her mind was really affecting her. I've noticed her eating less recently, it was showing in her weight. Now her clothes were more loose on her. I really did want to try to comfort or console her, but what could I do? She hates me. My heart wrenched as I saw a solitary tear slip out from her eye, before her gaze hardened.

"Elliot, get out. Now." She ordered, and I obeyed. Wishing that somehow I could make her feel better, the old Alice. The healthy, if-you-smirk-at-me-again-I'm-going-to-beat-your-face-in, Alice.

*Alice's P.O.V.*

As I wiped away my tears, I looked at my neck, at least the mark was gone now. I couldn't deny blatant facts anymore. I was being haunted by the ghosts of murdered girls, and I don't think they're happy I'm here. After Elliot left, I locked my door, and pulled out my laptop. Since I wasn't going to pretend shit wasn't hitting the fan, it's time to really start researching.

After hours of writing theories in my journal, my eyes burned from staring at my laptop screen and my wrists ached. It was four in the morning, but I really didn't want to sleep. Not now, not while I was on a roll.

*Ryder's P.O.V.*

That morning I sat in the kitchen, and I ate my cereal. At around seven thirty, Alice walked in. She was in her pajamas, and at first she didn't notice me. But when she turned she gave me a tired smile. "Morning," she mumbled, I was taken aback by how gaunt she looked. She looked so tired, and her hands were shaking. "Alice?" I asked, she didn't respond, and I walked over to her.

Grasping her shoulders, I turned her towards me. She looked up, and I pressed the back of my hand against her head, she didn't have a fever, maybe it was just plain exhaustion. "What's wrong?" I asked, she looked up at me, "I couldn't sleep." Alice mumbled, her night terrors were really getting to her. Cupping the sides of her face, she looked so frail, like she'd just blow away in the wind. "You're safe with me Alice, you can sleep." I assured her, pulling her close. She let out a shuddering breath, but soon I could tell she was sleeping. Since I was supporting her weight. Lifting her up, I carried her to her room.

Opening the door, her room was as tidy as usual. Something seemed a bit off but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Easily, I slid Alice under the covers. She'd lost weight recently, I couldn't tell if that was intentional or not.

Before I could go, her hand wrapped around mine. Turning, I saw her staring up at me. "Please stay with me Ryder, I don't want to be alone." She pleaded. Smiling a little, I pulled up at chair, taking off her glasses for her. "I will." I responded, a small smile appeared on her face, "Thank you." Her grip on my hand softened as she fell asleep, and I kept my promise.

As I watched her sleep, eventually I grew tired as well, and slowly, unknowingly, I fell asleep, my head next to her's.

*Elliot's P.O.V.*

Walking out of my room, I saw Alice's bedroom door open. Approaching it, I peeked in. Alice was asleep, and so was Ryder. He was leaned over, his face next to her's, and they fingers were interlocked in between them. It was a cute scene but instead of feeling that, I felt a painful spike in my chest. Ryder knew nothing about what was happening to her but she still trusted him more than me? Surprising myself at the bitter thought, I tried to suppress it. But that image was glued in my mind as I walked off for a smoke.

And if I was being honest with myself, seeing him with her.

It hurt.

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