Ch. 36 Relief?

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*Elliot's P.O.V.*

Honestly, I sat down for a good five seconds before I was up pacing around again. For hours I anxiously intertwined my fingers, and loosened them before repeating the process. Worry racked my body as I awaited the verdict. Was she dead? Was she alive?

At this point I wasn't bothering even attempting to sit down, Ryder was probably annoyed by me but I couldn't help it. My hands were shaking as I clamped them together before loosening them. This was my fault, if only I hadn't been such a fool and let the lady knock me out.

A few more hours of this and I'd be dead from premature cardiac arrest.

The door opened, and I swiftly looked over. Every muscle in my body tensing at once. The receptionist lady poked her head in.

"Your friend Nisha is dead," she said, my hopes dropped. Sorrow striking me, the girl was just having an identity crisis, she didn't know who to be, she didn't deserve to be murdered. Glancing at Ryder, he looked completely and utterly heartbroken.

"Your friend Alice," my heart sped up exponentially and milliseconds felt like hours as I waited for her to say something, "she's alive." My limps became liquid as I exhaled a short sigh of relief. But honestly I was surprised by the fact I was shaking all over and tears were falling from my eyes. Tears of relief.

"But she's in critical condition and was sent straight into surgery, you've been offered a ride to the hospital."

Ryder and I looked at each other.

"Let's go."

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