Ch. 13 Haunted.

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*Elliot's P.O.V.*

Her words made me sit up quickly. If she was asking me for help, I knew it was serious. "What do you need help with?" I asked, she actually looked embarrassed. "You know how I've been having those weird freak outs lately?" She asked, I nodded, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "I need you to help me figure out why." She finished. Letting out a groan of annoyance, I sighed. "Why can't you just get golden boy over there to do it? Since you love him so much." The image of them sleeping and holding hands made my voice bitter, and my attitude bitter. She rolled her eyes. "Golden boy doesn't know that I'm going fucking insane okay? He things I'm having night terrors, I prefer to keep it that way. I don't care about what you think since you already hate me anyways." She snapped back.

I smirked, I bet Ryder didn't know that she could cuss like a sailor as well. There are many things about her he doesn't know. That made me feel oddly satisfied. "What do you want me to do?" I asked, she sighed. "I'll show you, but we need to go to my room first." Letting out a sigh, I reached past her, knowing she'd be flustered, surprised, and extremely pissed off at my intentional closeness. "Of course," My lips were right next to her ear as I grabbed my cigarettes, I felt her stiffness. Pulling back, I felt a smug expression develop on my face. She was rigid with anger. I still mattered to her, whether she liked it or not. "But first, I'm going to go for a smoke." I finished, she let out a sigh, and rolled her eyes getting up.

I could imagine all the insults she was refraining from saying to me. I got up too, looming over her small frame, like always. "Screw you." She muttered, walking to my door, as she left, she paused, turning to me. "Hurry please. I really do need your help Elliot." At that she walked to her room.

As I stepped out, I contemplated the last time I snuck into Alice's room. Those hallucinations, and that temporary fever that racked my whole body with pain. Hopefully this wouldn't be like that. Tapping it out, I threw the cigarette down, crushing it on the heels of my shoe before walking back in, and into Alice's room. Her appearance left me speechless.

She wore grey sweat pants, and a loose white shirt that stopped just above her belly button, and had spaghetti straps. I knew Alice worked out, but I had no idea how chiseled that made her body, however it wasn't her stomach I was staring at. It was her shoulders. I've never seen her shoulders before. Even if she wore a bikini she had a cover up. Alice was a modest girl, which wasn't a bad thing, but she never wore just tank tops. As my gaze wandered back up to her face, I saw her cocked brow and annoyed gaze. "Can we start doing what was intended to, or are my collarbones too distracting for you?" She asked flatly, and I felt embarrassment rush through me. Of course she caught me staring, she was looking right at me.

"Let's get this shit over with already." I stated gruffly, she chuckled as she walked up and closed the door. "It's good even the legendary Elliot Hail can blush sometimes." She teased, which made my eyes widen slightly. I had been blushing? Instead of pestering me about it, she just gave me a sly grin before turning to her desk. "You need to see this." She said, grabbing the journal she always had with her. I remembered it, I remember seeing her draw in it. I remember what she drew in it. "Why do you always carry this with you?" I asked, she sighed. "No one else can see what's in it. Also, if you're easily frightened by grotesque imagery, I suggest you don't look through it." She answered, my curiosity was piqued however.

Opening it, my eyes widened. The realism in the journal was terrifying. Of course the first few pages were just entries she made about her nightmares and the headaches she'd been having, but then it turned into horrifying drawings. It was like looking through a window. The drawings depicting multiple girls, all of them being tortured in different ways. From water boarding to being locked in a box for weeks surrounded by nothing but their own excrement. And it was all drawn in gritty realism with various different insane scrawling writing in it. It looked like the journal of an insane person, not the beautiful, composed Alice.

"What the hell Alice?" I asked, noticing she was sitting next to me on the bed. "I don't know Elliot, I really fucking don't, but one morning I woke up with a pencil in my hand, and I'd drawn that. Written that. I don't know what's happening, but it's reoccuring, and it used to be only when I fell asleep at night, but it's making me faint now. That day when I stormed into my room, then you heard that picture frame break. I saw a girl from my nightmares and drawings, standing in front of me. Then I passed out and had possibly one of the worst nightmares I've had so far." She explained. I stared at her in shock.

"So you mean, sleep running?" I asked, still holding the journal. "No, at first I thought I was going insane, but there's something more going on Elliot, you notice one girl keeps reappearing in my drawings, the blonde?" She asked, I nodded, trying to read the ineligible scrawl in her latest entry. "Her name is Callie, and she's a real person." Alice said, that made me turn to her. She reached under her bed and pulled out her laptop. I wasn't even in the mood to comment how her mom said not to bring any electronics.

She already had a few websites pulled up, but the first one was a copy of a police file. "There was multiple disappearances here over twenty years ago," She explained, my eyes skimmed over the page, reading enough to know she wasn't lying. "The abductor was never caught, but that's not all, look." There was the blonde from her dreams, in a picture. Callie Monroe. "If you looked this up beforehand, it's possible your dreaming about her because you saw her face, you could just be having nightmares about the abductions." Alice shook her head. "I didn't look this up beforehand Elliot. I was seeing her face and all the other girl's faces well before we even got here or before I knew what happened." She said, opening up her search history, the times she first discovered the pages proved her right.

"There's a theory on it. It says an old couple here had a grandson who was a satanist. They say he abducted the girls and killed them." She said, showing me that page. Despite how uneasy the situation was making me, I noticed her closeness, the smell of her freshly washed hair she reached passed me, how she kept having the push her glasses up, or how the light from the screen illuminated the lenses of her glasses, displaying the scratches on them. Too soon she pulled back, letting me view the screen.

"I think there's more going on here Elliot."

I looked at her, she looked at me with a completely serious face.

"I think I'm being haunted."

Just Another Cabin In The Woods.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon