Ch. 1 Daggers.

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*Alice's P.O.V.*
It was my mother's idea. Yes I blame my misery on her. You see my family, the Zash's, and another family, the Hails, are very close. So close in every aspect that the son of the Hails that goes to my high school, though I would call us close. Elliot Hail, and I, Alice Zash, hate each other. To the very core. It's not a playful hate where I secretly have a crush on him. Every time I look at him, I want to puke and I'm sure the feeling is mutual. He hates "good" girls like myself, and I hate misogynistic assholes who try to rub their junk against every girl that breathes. Every time I look at him, or hear his name I start fuming. The feminist in me wants to run up to him and beat the shit out of him for being such a playboy ass.

Every time he looks at me, he smirks, and it's infuriating. I know he does it just because it bothers me. Even now as we all sit in my family living room, I am doing everything but looking at him. Anyway, my mother, being the clueless little duckling she is, had the genius idea to send me and Elliot to a cabin. She said I could bring friends so I brought Ryder, the guy I have a huge crush on, and Nisha, my best friend. Nisha has dark skin, her hair is always in braids, but I never judged her because of her skin. Racism is the epitome of stupid. When she heard Ryder was coming, she winked at me so much I was sure her eye was just going to get stuck mid-wink and she was going to have to have it medically checked out. Nisha hangs out with Elliot, she insists it's because he deserves to have at least one person on this trip on his side. I reluctantly agreed. But I have a feeling she actually likes his company. As long as she doesn't sleep with him, I don't mind... much.

It was the night before we would head out, and for some reason I'd been getting massive headaches. Mom said we'd all stay at my house and leave in the morning. Letting out an involuntary noise of pain, I leaned forward. "Alice?" Ryder asked in concern, making Nisha and Elliot look over from whatever conversation they were having. I was visibly trembling from pain. Ryder gently rested a hand on my shoulder, that's what I liked about Ryder, he didn't try to take advantage of girls. Ryder and I met in the most awkward situation. I actually ran into him, looked at him, saw how hot he was and ran away. He chased after me just to make sure I was okay. Best day of my life.

"You need anything?"

I squeezed my eyes just, lacing my fingers through my hair and clamping my fists tightly. Part of me just wanted to rip my hair out, as if that would fix my problems. "Damn Alice, you're bleeding." He commented, I was dimly aware of having a nose bleed. Nisha was getting up from concern. Elliot was just staring. "Headache medicine." Was all I managed, and Nisha ran to the kitchen to fetch it. Ryder handed me a kleenex which I put under my nose. Nisha walked back in, and when she did I accidentally made eye contact with him. Elliot. But I was in too much pain to pay it much attention.


Instead of taking one pill, I swallowed two in one giant gulp. Without a glass of water. I didn't even care, I leaned back, and heard the crickets outside.

"I think I need some fresh air." I stated, standing up. I swayed slightly, but straightened myself, and pushed my glasses back up. Yeah, I have glasses. My hair is nearly black, my skin is a dark tan, my eyes are so brown they look black, I have some Native American heritage, and I have glasses, without them I'm basically blind. Without waiting for anyone to say anything, I stepped out onto the porch, and closed the door behind me. Slowly I sat on the creaky porch swing. I've been having nightmares lately too. Violent, violent nightmares.

As I started swinging softly, the door opened. I expected to see Nisha, but instead I saw Ryder. He gave me a small smile, closing the door, and sitting next to me. "You okay?" He asked gently, I looked at him, and my heart was pounding at our closeness. Ryder has brown hair that falls to his ears, curvy plush lips, tan skin, and light brown eyes. Did I also mention he isn't a complete asshole? "Um lately I've been having killer headaches. Don't worry too much about it." I answered, he sighed. "You should really get more rest then. I'd hate to have you unable to come." His voice was oddly whispery, and it made my heart race faster. But I was positive my heart was going to explode, when he tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear.

Instead of responding, I just stared at him mesmorized. Like an idiot. "Has anyone told you, how beautiful you are?" He twirled the end of the lock of my hair. "No." I could punch myself. That was a rhetorical question, why did I answer it? I'm so dumb. Instead of commenting, he let out a little breath of laughter, and smirked a little. "Well I'm surprised. People should really start telling you that more. I thought we were supposed to acknowledge the truth not disregard it." As he spoke he leaned closer. When every inch of space being him closer, my heart sped up. "Beauty is relative." Was my smart response, which made him smile even more widely but before I knew it we were both leaning in.

Before my prayers could be answered, the door opened, and we both wrenched back embarrassed. Nisha stood in the doorway with a smirk. "Don't want to interrupt you lovebirds, but Mrs. Zash is locking up for night, you two need to come back in." Ryder gave me an embarrassed smile, which I returned as we stood up and walked back in. Elliot had his head laid back and eyes closed. We all settled into respective sleeping areas, and soon I fell asleep.

I was running, running down a hall. Blood, blood was everywhere. Staining the floor, staining me. My wrists were raw and bloody. I screamed for help, but I knew none was coming. I was buried in the depths, the depths of hell. Just as I have been for months now. Months of bloody torture. I heard the demented laugh behind me, and kept running. But I didn't know where I was going. Suddenly a bullet whirred past me, and slammed into the mirror, the shards flew everywhere, and I stepped on the shards completely barefoot. They buried themselves into my feet and the pain disabled me for a few moments. I heard the moans and screams of other girls unable to escape the torture. When I turned, she was right there. She let out a cackle, and I screamed. That would be my last scream, her ceremonial knife dug in between my ribs, and suddenly blood swelled up in my throat, and exploded out of my mouth. I was dying, dying in hell.
I woke up with my heart pounding. My throat burned, and my heart was hammering. Sweat covered every inch of my body, like I'd been submerged in water. Slowly, and shakily I got up. Stumbling outside, I sucked in a breath. It felt like I'd been breathing in dirt for months, and this was my first clean breath. My hands were shaking, and I leaned against the wall. But suddenly my bliss was interrupted by the putrid smell of cigarettes, looking over, Elliot was smoking, he stared at me with ease.

"No smoking here genius, go ruin your life on some else's porch." I snapped, he rolled his eyes. "How are exactly are you going to stop me?" Reaching over, I grabbed the BB gun, and shot at his cigarette. Trust me, I have good aim. The cigarette exploded from his grip, and I hit the part where his fingers weren't, so no, I didn't hurt him. Elliot glared at me, and I rubbed my temples, placing the gun back down, and sitting the porch swing next to him. I ignored his surprise, I was too tired to care. "Oh so you're breaking the pact you made with yourself to never next sit next to me?" Rolling my eyes, I snapped, "Considering it feels like someone is smashing my skull with a mallet, I wasn't exactly thinking of my hatred for you."

Elliot scoffed, "Please, your headaches can't be that bad, you just want golden boy's attention. I don't buy your little act." He said easily. "Why would I act in front of you? I don't fucking care what you think of me." I retorted, "Easy. You want to sell the lie. You have Nisha and Golden Boy in the palm of your hand, and you need to make the skeptic believe." That made me snort. "I have nothing to prove to you. And I don't care if you think I'm doing this for atten - damn!" I shouted, wrapping my arms around my torso, pain seared through the area between my ribs. Elliot looked down effortlessly, "Stop trying. Besides your over acting." He commented, I was shaking from the pain, and when it was over, I ran over and leaned over the porch railing, and hurled.
Elliot was up on his feet, and walking towards me. I didn't think about it because I saw his eyes on my shirt. There was a small blood stain on it, exactly where I was stabbed in my dream. I wasn't stabbed in between my breasts, but below, in the very center between my stomach and chest. The exact middle of my torso.

Slowly I rolled up my shirt, there was a bright pink scar like a fresh scrape, in a weird, slim, oval shape. Like a dagger slid in right there. Reaching down, I dabbed it, there was a little droplet of blood. Letting my shirt fall down I met Elliot's surprised gaze. "How the fuck did that happen?" He asked, I shook my head.

"I don't know, but keep this between us. Please." I said, he nodded, "I'm going to sleep." I lied, he looked like he wanted to say something as I stepped into the house, and laid down on the air mattress in the living room.

But I didn't go back to sleep.

I laid there staring at the ceiling, for the whole night.

I did not want to go to that cabin.

Sadly, that wasn't my choice.

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