Ch. 4 An Omen.

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*Alice's P.O.V.*
Once I woke up, my head pounded, and all I remembered was grabbing Elliot's arms, the rest after that is fuzzy. Sitting up I groaned, and groped around the nightstand for my glasses. Shoving them on my face, I got up, and took a shower. Honestly, I was a little ashamed of freaking out like that yesterday, but it was like I was coaxed into the fear. The girl's corpse in the corner, it was like she was warning me.

Walking into the kitchen, everyone stared at me. "Alice!" Nisha exclaimed, pulling me into a tight hug. Ryder gave me a concerned lopsided smile, Elliot, who was standing by the window, exhaled a puff of smoke, gave me a bored glance, then looked back out the window. At my narrowed gaze he extinguished the cigarette and tossed it in the nearest rubbish bin. Patting Nisha's back, she pulled away. "I was so worried, what freaked you out like that yesterday?" I paused, they would think I was insane. "Waking dreams. Thanks to my insomnia I haven't been getting enough sleep, so I guess my subconscious and conscious got jumbled up and I started seeing brief glimpses of my nightmares and freaked out accordingly." I lied, all of me wanted to believe that was the truth, but I was getting the feeling there was something more going on.

Ryder slid me a glass of orange juice, "Elliot said he found you passed out on the forest floor, is that because of your lack of sleep?" He definitely did not find me like that, and I had no idea why he lied for me. Him and I exchanged a glance that lasted one second. "Yeah. I was running so fast, and then everything went blurry. I guess I fainted." I lied with a sheepish grin. "Sorry everyone, I'll start catching up on my sleep." For the most part everyone chuckled, except for, of course, Elliot. Even though I continued to dutifully ignore his existence, I knew I'd have to thank him later.

*Nisha's P.O.V.*

Alice could be a drama queen. Her nightmares lately giving her insomnia, she's never had this in all the years we've been friends. I love the girl but she lies too fluently, I've seen it firsthand, and honestly I think this is all a little act of her's to get Ryder's attention. No, I haven't expressed my opinion with anyone, even though I did complain to Ryder a little bit about her overreacting. Sometimes it was just hard to have a good time around Alice. Like her refusal to talk to Elliot because she "hates" him and what he stands for. She's a sister to me, but it's just childish sometimes.

Besides I kind of like Elliot, not that I could tell her that.

Later in the evening when Alice and Ryder were inside, Elliot walked out for a smoke. I made sure Alice was preoccupied with Ryder, and then I gave her a sly grin before slinking out to talk to Elliot. He was on the side of the house so the cigarette smoke wouldn't permeate throughout the house. Another one of Alice's over reactions. Big deal your uncle died, that doesn't mean that you should prejudice people who smoke. She's so demanding sometimes. That's kind of why I like Elliot, he's so chill about everything, flirts easy, talks easy. He's just easy. Easy enough for me to make plans.

Walking up, he glanced at me before exhaling a plume of smoke. Alice never is controlling, she doesn't try to take up all my time, but I still feel like she's too high maintenance. Some things about her just get me peeved, but hey, she hangs out with the hottest guys. "Hey Elliot."


I grinned at his nonchalance, and leaned against the wall, looking at the setting sun. "Don't you think Alice had a little bit of an overreaction?" I asked, he shrugged. "I don't really care." That kind of disappointed me, I'd expect him to have mean things to say. Why does everyone think she's so cool? Why not me? Ryder, Elliot. Well not Elliot, but he could at least humor me. In an effort to get his attention, I said, "Can I have one?" He looked at me, "A what?" He asked, I rolled my eyes. "A cigarette." I answered, his brow arched. Elliot has golden hair that falls to his chin, beautiful features, and an odd charm. "You are Alice Zash's friend right?" We both knew this was like the ultimate betrayal to her.

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