Ch. 28 It'll All Be Alright...

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*Ryder's P.O.V.*

Nisha and I sat in awkward silence in the living room. The tension was uncomfortable, but before I could really wallow in it there was a knock on the door. Getting up, relieved to have a distraction, I opened the door to see the old woman from earlier, she had a tentative smile on her face. "Yes?" I asked, she shifted uneasily. "Um, I needed some help with stuff in my house, I was thinking I could get one you youths to help me out." She answered, sounding embarrassed.

Nisha shot up, "I'll do it." She volunteered quickly, I stared at her in surprise. "You sure? I can go." I offered, she shook her head. "I'll go." She easily threw on some shoes, and walked out. "I'll see you later." She added, basically hurrying the old woman to her car.

*Nisha's P.O.V.*

I was eager to leave because I really just didn't want to stay in the suffocating cabin any more. I'd been hated and used. Getting out for a while would be fine.

The old lady spoke little as we reached her house. "Before we get started you want a glass of lemonade, I made a little bit too much for my husband and I." She offered, I shrugged. "Sounds good." We walked in, her cabin was the same as our's. She poured me a glass, and handed me it with a cool smile. Quickly I chugged it down, ready to get started working on something. However I started feeling light woozy, and I stumbled to the side a little.

The old woman caught me, and I felt stomach sick. "What's wrong dear?" She asked, I couldn't even form words, my tongue felt like cotton. Before I could process anything, I passed out.

*Elliot's P.O.V.*

I ran as fast as I could, and barreled into the cabin. Gasping for breath. Ryder shot up, "Whoa, Elliot what's wrong?" He asked. "Nisha...where is she, is she here?" I asked in between pants. The downfall of smoking was how much harder it made running. It felt like my lungs were going to combust. "No, she went out with the old lady from earlier why?"

"Shit!" I hissed, realizing how much danger I put Alice in. "Alice, she's in trouble." I breathed, Ryder tensed. "Where is she?" He asked, grabbing the shotgun without another question. "The basement doors we found." At that Ryder set off.

*Alice's P.O.V.*

When I woke up my mouth was dry and I was stuffed in the corner of the shed behind some hay bales. My mind started panicking as I realized I was alone and then I found a note. Elliot wrote it, saying he needed to find Nisha before the old lady got her. If she gets her she'll bring her here... before I could complete I heard the door of the shed open and my heart nearly stopped.

Before I could do anything, Cassie, the spirit of the girl I saw when I first appeared here, appeared in front of me. My limbs went cold, and she tapped a finger to her lips signaling for me to be quiet. She was helping me. I nodded a little, finding it hard to even breathe. She sat next to me, as if reassuringly, and that's when I heard the dragging sound and whimpers. Giving Cassie a wide eyed look, she simply tapped her finger to her lips again. She seemed to be silently saying, 'I'll keep you safe.'

"Shut up!" I heard the old lady say and I went rigid. I was inches away from her. Cassie gave me a look and I stayed quiet. I was in no position to fight or run, not with my ankle the way it was.

Suddenly I heard the screeching of the basement doors opening, and a thud accompanied by a sickening muffled scream of pain. Then I heard the doors screech shut, and retreating footsteps. Cassie looked at me, leaning forward, her body went through mine and my limbs went ice cold before I blacked out.

"What is this?" I asked, I was sitting in a chair surrounded by the girls who were kidnapped. Cassie stepped forward. "It's too late Alice, leave this cabin, leave and tell the police about what's happened. Before it's too late." Then, before I had the chance to ask any questions, I was shaken awake.

When I woke up, I saw Ryder, he had a shotgun, and was holding me upright. Tears swelled up in my eyes, and I hugged him. Not caring about what happened between us. I felt him tense, and then loosen up, patting my back. "It'll be alright Alice, it'll all be alright." He assured me, lifting me like I was a ragdoll. He carried me back to the cabin.

*Nisha's P.O.V.*

When I woke up I was bound and gagged in the trunk of the old woman's van. I struggled but it was futile. I whimpered, pleading for her to let me go, but she harshly threw me down into the basement in the shed. My body hit the ground and pain spiked through me.

Little did I know that was just the beginning of an onslaught of pain.

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