Ch. 15 Callie Monroe.

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*Elliot's P.O.V.*

My heart nearly froze, and my mind fumbled for the right words to say. Slowly, she started turning forward. "C-callie." I stammered, reaching into my pocket for my phone. The only electronic we were allowed to bring, "What?" She snapped, facing me, just as she did, I snapped a photo, with the flash on I might add. Before the picture could fully be taken, Callie (in Alice's body), started letting out a horrible wail that I knew would wake up the others. Her veins started turning black around her neck, and I lunged forward, cupping my hand over her mouth.

The way her body was jerking everywhere could probably be considered seizing as she uncontrollably flailed her limbs. "Alice!" I hissed attempting to wake her up. "Alice!" I exclaimed, she was uncontrollably trembling, and still attempting to wail loudly, as if calling for help.

*Alice's P.O.V.*

"Who are you?"

"Callie Monroe."

She poured more water on my face, choking me.


She screamed, I hacked up water, coughing. "Callie Monroe!" I exclaimed weakly. Her hand connected with my face in the most painful way possible, she pressed the dagger hard against my neck, if I moved even slightly, it'd slice my throat open. Closing my eyes, the tears started falling. She was going to kill me, I was going to die.

"Who are you?"

She asked the question in more of a low growl, and that's when I gave up.


At that I let out one last wail before she slit my throat open.

I felt the blood pour from the gash, and then I felt nothing.

*Elliot's P.O.V.*

Finally, she went completely limp. Her eyes rolled to the top of her head, her veins slowly became normal, and she was covered in a layer of sweat. I held her, staring down at her wide eyed. She started panting, and I let out a little sigh of relief.

Her eyes were closed, and she was out. Grabbing a nearby towel, I dabbed the sweat from her face, and laid her on her bed. I stared at her in complete shock, and slowly looked at my phone. "The picture..." I mumbled, reaching for it, but before I could grab it there was a knock at the door.

"Alice it's Ryder, are you alright?" I froze in shock, Alice's eyes were opening. She saw me and I tapped my fingers to my lips, and snuck to the door, opening the closet nearby. I expertly unlocked the door, and slid into the closet, hiding from Ryder.

*Alice's P.O.V.*

I don't know what happened, but that nightmare was horrifying. Sitting up, my head felt fuzzy and I heard insistent knocking on my door. Looking in the mirror, I made sure I was somewhat presentable, and I opened the door. "Ryder!" I exclaimed in surprise. "Hey, I heard some weird muffled screaming coming from in here, you alright?" He asked, looking in the room. Think of a lie Alice, think! My thoughts screamed.

Slowly I let a sly smile creep across my face, "Sorry, honestly, I snuck a horror movie in here, I didn't know it was that loud." I lied, sounding sheepish. Ryder laughed, sounding somewhat relieved. "Oh, I thought something was happening, sorry to bother you then." He said, we both chuckled a little, "No, it's all good. It's nice to know you care." I teased, he smiled.

As he started walking off, I grabbed his wrist, making him turn. "Really Ryder, thanks for everything." I said, he smiled, "No problem Alice, as long as it helps." Like that, he vanished into his room, and slowly I closed the door to my room, letting out a winded sigh.

Before I could really get a rest though, Elliot materialized in front of my closet. "I didn't know you were still here." I admitted, he didn't respond, instead he took swift strides towards my bed, and grabbed his phone.


Before I could fully form my question, he drew me close, making my heart pick up speed, that; however, I dutifully ignored it. "You need to see this." He opened his pictures app, and what I saw was a girl sitting at my desk, but that girl wasn't me. She had blonde hair, and her throat was slit.

It was Callie Monroe.

"Still don't believe in ghosts?"

*Nisha's P.O.V.*

I heard weird screams and low moaning emanating from Alice's room. As I tossed and turned trying to ignore it, I let out a frustrated sigh. I could only imagine what she was watching, or in this case doing.

I guess all good girls turn bad eventually.

The stupid slut.

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