Ch. 10 What Did Happen?

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*Alice's P.O.V.*
When I woke up, my head felt fuzzy, and it was pounding in pain, my tongue felt like cotton. As I blinked into wakeness, I saw Ryder, he sat next to my bedside, holding my hand in his. He stroked my hand, worry etched on his features. My heart fluttered at his touch. What happened? Sitting up, I was surprised when he didn't let go of my hand but instead held it tighter. "Oh Alice, I was so worried about you." He said, I gave him a small smile, "Elliot told us what happened," he said, my stomach dropped. I didn't know what exactly happened, but Elliot was a witness to it all. Oh shit.

"He told us about how you two got into an argument, and then you stormed into the woods." He added, and I nearly sighed in relief. "Did he tell you what the argument was about?" I asked, I remembered collapsing after seeing Callie, but not anything after that. He nodded, "You being clumsy or something, what an asshole move." Ryder sighed, I felt bad. Elliot always got crap for doing things, but he was actually helping me out by not telling anyone what really happened. I owed him. Letting out a little sigh, I said, "It was actually my fault." Ryder glanced up.

"You know how back at school I told you about how I used to get night terrors and run around in blind fear?" I asked, he nodded slowly. Running my fingers through my hair, I let out another sigh, "Well I didn't used to have them. I still do. I didn't want to tell anyone, but I didn't know it'd affect me this badly. I'd gone to take a nap, and then it happened." I lied, Ryder stared at me in surprise, and slowly tears welled up in my eyes, and I started shaking with silent sobs racking my body. Pulling my legs to my chest, I pressed my face to my knees and cried. That nightmare was so terrifying. "I'm so stupid." I whispered, to convince him. I felt guilty but he'd never talk to me again if he knew what really happened. "Alice you aren't stupid," He pulled me close, "I just didn't want anyone to worry about me." I added to make the lie more convincing. He pulled me against his chest, whispering soothing things.

"It's fine Alice, you should've told me, I would've taken care of you." He whispered, I nodded, "Thanks for being so understanding Ryder. I knew I could rely on you." I sniffled, Ryder chuckled. "You can always rely on me Alice, I'm here for you." He said, stroking my head. Pulling back, I wiped away my tears and smiled. "It's late, are you sure you don't want to sleep?" I asked, it was almost midnight, I'd been out for a while. Ryder smiled at me, wiping away the leftover tears. "Are you sure that's okay? If you want me to stay with you, I'll stay." I could see how weary he was. Smiling, I chuckled, "Of course I want you to stay, but I don't need you to." I teased, making him smile. "Okay, well then I'm going to go to sleep." He surprised me, he leaned forward, lightly cupping the side of my face, he kissed my cheek, his lips brushing against my jawline, then he got up, and left to go to his room. Leaving me there, wide-eyed and blushing intensely.
*Elliot's P.O.V*
When I walked down the hall, I heard Alice and Ryder talking and stopped by the door to her room. She was lying for me, she wasn't letting me take the blame for her running into the forest. Surprise hit me, and I felt myself smiling a little at the gesture, then cursed myself. She hates you Elliot, she's just evening the score dumb ass, at that thought, I went out to the front yard for a smoke. Nisha walked outside as well, as I exhaled smoke.

"Hey." I greeted, she gave me a small smile, she was wearing her skimpy pajamas. "So tell me about that argument." She said, and I rolled my eyes, knowing she wouldn't see me do it. She was always looking for dirt on Alice. It got really obnoxious. So I shrugged, inhaling and exhaling a plume of smoke. "It was nothing really. She went to cool off and I went for a smoke." I said bluntly, Nisha sighed. "Sounds like she's doing another drama queen act of her's, again. I don't understand how you can put up with her, you deserve better." She said, I paused, and suddenly, I just got pissed off. "Someone like you?" I asked, there was a pause.

"What do you mean someone like me?"

I snuffed out the cigarette, flicking the remains somewhere in the front and I turned to her. "I deserve someone like you," I said, I could see her becoming flustered. Maybe I could become who she wanted, who everyone expected me to be. "I don't know what you mean..." She trailed off, and I leaned in, "I deserve someone like you, to hold, to kiss." I whispered in her ear, she stiffened in surprise, but I could feel the longing rolling off her in waves. Grabbing her arms, I pressed her against the wall of the cabin. Her eyes were wide. "Maybe I don't just deserve some like you, maybe I deserve you, Nisha." I whispered, she was rendered speechless by my closeness.

Trailing my lips down her jawline, I felt her shudder in my grasp, "Elliot..." She breathed, I pulled back, my face less than inches from her. My lips less than inches from her's. "Don't toy with things you're scared of Nisha," I warned her, she stared at me in surprise, "If you poke the lion too much, it'll pounce, and not always in the way you expect." I whispered in her ear, I knew she had an underlying fear of me, basically everyone did except Alice. It's what made me attractive to most girls. I was intimidating, powerful, and they craved that. At that, I pulled back and left for my room.
*Nisha's P.O.V.*
Despite how much I've always wanted to kiss Elliot, he'd been right. When he'd done that, my heart had sped up, but it was suddenly going too fast. This dark and brooding guy, almost kissed me. I leaned against the wall, breathless. Elliot almost kissed me. I grinned, take that Alice, I thought.
*Elliot's P.O.V.*
When I walked to my room, I saw Alice leaning against the wall in the hallway. When she saw me, she pushed off of it, blocking my way. I smirked down at her, and could tell that it annoyed her. It brightened my mood a little. "You're in my way." I commented, she crossed her arms defiantly. "Look Elliot, I didn't come to attack you." She let out a little sigh. "Come on." She grabbed my wrist, dragging me into her room, she closed her door, and locked it. I smirked even more. "Aren't things going a little too fast Alice, usually girls at least go on a date with me before dragging me to their bedrooms." I taunted, her fingers twitched and I knew she wanted to slap me. That made me smirk to the fullest extent.
"Look, I wanted to thank you, for finding me in the woods, and not telling the others what happened. I guess I owe you an explanation, because I'm acting a little crazy, but yeah. Thanks." She said, I grinned. "Oh fuck, we better get you a medical check up, I don't think your mind is working. Did you actually agree with me? Holy shit." I responded, she rolled her eyes, pushing her glasses up. "Oh shut up." She retorted, then suddenly she looked at me with a completely serious face.
"Elliot, what did happen?"

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