Ch. 18 The Well.

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*Elliot's P.O.V.* 

Exhaling a plume of smoke, I snuffed out my cigarette and flicked it over the side of the roof. Letting out a long sigh, I climbed down the ladder and into the house. Walking into the kitchen, I saw Ryder give me a peculiar look, then his gaze flicked to Alice then back to me. Taking the hint, I looked at Alice, and knew why Ryder looked so puzzled. She wore a tight grey tee, dark blue skinny jeans, and her black hair was pinned back into a bun, she looked mature, but she also looked... kind of dead. 

"Morning." I said, usually she'd glare at me, but instead she looked up, gave me a small smile of greeting, which startled me, and then looked back at her bowl of, now soggy, cereal.  Something was definitely not right with her. Ryder and I exchanged another look before Nisha traipsed in, with all her skimpy clothed confidence. Today she wore a white tank top so tight and thin it didn't do a good job covering up her hot pink bra underneath, and she wore black short shorts that could be considered underwear.  "Hey boys." She said with a sly smirk, Alice didn't even tense, or move, or give any indication she even heard Nisha. 

Nisha must've noticed because she gave me a look, then a look at Alice, then back at me, then at her again. 

Then, out of no where, Alice stood up, making us all look at her. "I'm going on a walk." She announced. 

*Alice's P.O.V.* 

It felt like the walls were closing in on me, everyone was staring at me. Why? Why were they looking at me like I'm a foreign creature? I couldn't take it, so I went for a walk. 

Stepping outside, my chest felt heavy, and I crossed my arms, walking forward. Not knowing where I'd be swept off to. As I walked, I pondered my nightmares, thought about the messages in my journal, and before I knew it, I was in a field, a field I'd never seen before, and in that field there was a well. The field was eerily beautiful, with green grass. I heard weird splashing in the well. Slowly I approached the well, and I heard screams in the distance accompanied by large splashed of water, and gasps for air. Was someone in it? 

Taking two more steps towards it, reaching forward, as I got closer the noises got louder. Just as my fingertips were going to brush against it, I heard someone, "Alice?" 

Turning I saw Ryder, he gave me a small smile. "Ryder?" I responded, he smiled a little wider. Of course I did too, I always smiled whenever I saw Ryder. "What's up? Did you need something?" I asked, he shrugged, walking up to me. The noises from the well as completely vanished, but I was too distracted to notice. "I just wanted to check up on you, you alright?" 

I nodded, "I just felt a little off this morning." I admitted, he smiled. "Well I hope you feel better," I gave him a tentative smile and he took more steps forward, closing the distance in between us. "Hopefully this makes you feel better," He said teasingly. 

"Hopefully what makes me feel better?" 

He took my hands in his, my heart speeding up. Lacing his fingers through mine, he stared into my eyes. "Alice," He said, my heart sped up, "I've known you for a while now, and every time I look at you, I feel this beating in my chest that I can't ignore," Ryder started, my eyes widened in surprise. Slowly, after averting his gaze, he looked back up at me and I felt his sincerity. "I was wondering, will you be my girlfriend?" My heart nearly stopped, I was so surprised. 

"Of... of course! Ryder!" I stammered, breaking out into a huge grin, he crushed me against him in a hug but it didn't stop there. Twirling, he lifted me from the ground, making me let out loose laughter, and then he crushed his lips against mine. 

It was my first kiss, and it couldn't have been better. 

*Elliot's P.O.V.*

Ryder went after her, and I let out a long sigh. Looking up at Nisha, who was smirking at me. "What?" I asked curtly, I was not in a good mood today. She arched a brow, "Well, I was just thinking about how handsome you look this morning." She flirted in a purr. Rolling my eyes, I knew even though I just had a smoke, I definitely needed another one. 

"I look the same every morning." I snapped, getting up, Nisha winked. Letting out a sigh, I looked at her, "Don't think you're clever, I know you're just trying to use me to get to Alice, and it isn't working because I don't want to use you. So either stop acting like a colossal bitch or don't talk to me." I left the kitchen at that, and climbed out onto the roof, lighting another smoke.   

*Alice's P.O.V.*

The whole day was uneventful and as I collapsed onto my bed, I fell asleep with a smile plastered to my face. 

I was running, faster, and faster. But what I was running from... no, more like what I was running to, was unknown. 

When I woke up, it was to something hitting me. Not like a person... like a droplet of water... Sitting up completely, I looked around in panic. I wasn't by my room, I'd slept walked or something, because now I was next to well. Looking around, I noticed it was raining slightly. 

How the hell did I even get out here? 

Scrambling up, I realized I was panting. The rain started pouring faster, and I shivered. I always hated the rain, and the well was a far walk from the cabin, which meant I'd get drenched. Looking around, slowly I reached towards the well, and as my fingertips brushed against it, I was struck with a vision. 

The old woman was there, and she was dragging a body, a body to the well. She hummed along to a song, and then effortlessly threw the body into the well. I watched and listened in horror as there was a resounding splash. The woman dusted off her hands casually, strolling off. Except it didn't end there. Slowly I heard weird footsteps, and my heart nearly stopped as I saw a hand grasp the top of the well, as if crawling out. 

Slowly a brunette haired girl scrambled out of the well. Her limbs were obviously broken and mangled, blood dripped from her mangled broken arms and legs, bones were sticking out. I was so scared I couldn't even scream. "She stains the water with our blood, she stains the water with our blood," She kept repeating herself, dragging herself through the dirt to get to me. She just kept on repeating herself, until suddenly she was in front of me, her face was even more horrifying than the rest of her. There was wounds on it, her eyes were gouged out, "Leave," She whispered. 

Suddenly I snapped back into reality, letting out a scream, I fell backwards. The rain was pouring harder now. Rolling over onto my hands and knees, I wretched before clambering back to my feet. Panting, I bolted back to the cabin, the rain pouring hard. More than a few times I slipped, but I couldn't stop, not now. That well was a horrible, evil place. 

*Elliot's P.O.V.* 

I sat in the living room, unable to sleep. Before I could do anything, the front door flew open, startling me, and Alice fell inside. She was muddy and soaked. 

"Whoa!" I exclaimed, helping her up. She was shivering from the cold rain, and I closed the door. "The w-w-w-water," she said trough her chattering teeth, I drew my brow, "What about water?" I asked, she shook her head, "B-b-b-b-b-blood i-in t-t-the w-w-water." She added, shaking my head, I wrapped her in a large blanket. 

"That doesn't matter now Alice, what matters is getting you warm." 

But she still tried to talk. 

"Shhh." I said, pressing my fingertip against her lips. The bathtub was filled with hot water, and I put her in, despite the fact she was fully clothed. She exhaled, and looked at me. 

I wondered why she was outside in the first place, but judging by how traumatized she looked, I knew now was not the best time to ask. 


Sorry for talking to long to update, you can thank my writer's block for that. 


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