Ch. 19 Sleep Paralysis... or worse?

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*Alice's P.O.V.*

All I remembered was running from the well, and then it was raining really hard. 

As I blinked away my drowsiness, I felt something wet, all around me. Blinking more, I realized that I was in a bathtub, in my sweat pants and white tank top, my bra was thankfully a more nude color so it was barely visible. Rubbing my face, I wondered how I ended up in the a bathtub of hot water. 

Looking over, I saw Elliot. He was sitting on the toilet, of course with the seat down, he was leaning against the wall, and was asleep. His blonde hair cascaded around his face, his thin yet plush, curvy lips parted slightly, his eyelashes casting shadows on his sharp cheekbones. Staring at him, I felt my heart thump, and was surprised at the feeling. Shaking my head a little, I tried to brush it off. Sitting up, the water sloshed around me. It's odd, I had a nightmare about something with water, and when I woke up, here I was. In water.  

The sound of the water made Elliot blink awake, he looked down at me. Instead say anything snarky, he stood up slowly, and offered a hand, asking, "Need help up?" 

Slowly, I took his hand, him helping me stand. The water dripped down, and he reached over, handing me a towel. "I'll go make you some hot chocolate, and then you can tell me what happened." He said, as he stared at me, I felt like there was an odd tension surrounding us. Giving me a lingering glance, he slinked out of the bathroom silently. 

Shaking off the odd feeling, I stepped out of the shower, and realized why I couldn't blink away the blurriness. My glasses, where were they? Squinting, I attempted to scrutinize myself in the mirror, but no matter how hard I squinted to see myself, it was never enough. Just as I turned to go ask Elliot if he'd moved me glasses, he opened the door. 


He handed me a mug of hot chocolate, taking a sip, I muttered a quick, "Thanks," he gave me a swift nod, and walked into the kitchen. "I'm going to go change." I stated, he nodded, and I felt his gaze on me as I awkwardly exited the kitchen. Stepping into my room I changed into some fuzzy pajama shorts, and a black t-shirt. Stepping back out, I sat back in front of Elliot at the table. 

"Hey where are my glasses?" I asked, he reached into the breast pocket of his shirt, and pulled them out, sliding them across the table towards me. Slowly I put them on, blinking as my vision suddenly when from nearly blind to completely normal. 

"So, Alice, what happened?" He asked. Letting out a little sigh, I rubbed my eyes and looked back up at him. "I can barely remember myself." I admitted, his gaze urged me to continue. Letting out another, longer, sigh, I looked up at him. "I went to my room like normal, and then when I woke up at around midnight I guess, I felt something wet, like water droplets hitting me. When I sat up I was in a field, where that old well is. Which is weird because this morning when I'd went for a walk I ended up there too. Anyway, I scrambled up, startled, obviously, and then I got this weird urge that I also got earlier today, to touch the well. So I reached my hand out, and just as my finger tips grazed the stones of the well, I had a vision. Of the old woman I told you about, she threw a dead body into the well, and I heard a splash and a sickening crack, then she left, and time lapsed, the sun was setting, and the body crawled out of the well, bloodied and mangled. She wasn't Callie, it was brunette. She told me to leave, and then when I woke up, it was pouring rain, and I was horrified, so I started running and that's all I remember." I explained, he nodded along, and I noticed he was oddly silent. 

"So...what happened? How did I end up in the bathtub?" 

Elliot let out a sigh, "It was one in the morning, and I wasn't able to sleep. Then suddenly you barged in, and tripped. You said something about blood in the water, and then you were shivering so badly that I just had to get you warm, so I put you in the tub and turned the water to where it was hot so you wouldn't get sick or anything." He explained, I nodded, my mind hooked on one thing, that bothered me. 

"What did I say?" 

"You said something about blood in the water." 

Suddenly there was a sharp skull, and I hissed in pain, my face contorting from what felt like a jarring blow to my skull, "Alice?" I couldn't respond, I was shaking from the pain in my head. "Alice, your nose is bleeding, badly." He stated, getting up. "I have a headache...get medicine." I hissed, he ran over, throwing open the medicine cabinet. Handing me two tablets, I didn't wait for him to get water to drink them with, I swallowed them down dry. 

Elliot handed me a tissue, which I used to wipe away my nose blood. "I-I think I just need to lay down." I stumbled out of my chair, and Elliot rushed over to support me. "You sure?" He asked, I nodded. Gently, he helped me lay down before exiting the room. 

*Elliot's P.O.V.* 

The next morning, I woke up by ten. What Alice had said really disturbed me. Blood in the water... what could that mean? It's obvious there's more going on than night terrors with her, and I had no justification for the things happening to her. 

Walking into the kitchen, I saw something really peculiar. Alice wasn't in the kitchen with the others, that was definitely unusual. Even with her recent insomnia she was always up by at least eight in the morning. Ryder looked at me, he looked a little worried. Nisha remained unfazed. She ignored me as I stepped in. I guess I finally got her to shut up. 

"Do you have any idea why Alice would be sleeping in so late?" Ryder asked, I made myself some coffee. Pondering why exactly she'd be sleeping in. "Well when I saw her last night she seemed a little sick." I answered, "You saw her last night?" Ryder responded, and I actually heard a little accusation in his voice. I almost snorted, like I'd try to kiss her

"I was sitting in the living room, she passed through looking for a drink of water in the kitchen." I lied easily, taking my coffee and sitting down. 

It was 2:00 in the afternoon, and she still hadn't left her room.

Finally, Ryder and I walked into her room to check on her, deciding it'd be best to wake her up. Ryder reached over and shook her gently. But she still slept. That was also odd because Alice was a light sleeper, the slightest noise would always wake her. So how was she still sleeping? 

"Here, let me do it. I don't have to be gentle, she already hates me." I said, stepping over. Grabbing her by both shoulders, I shook her harshly. 

But no matter what we did, she wouldn't wake up

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