Ch. 8 Never Dead Always Searching.

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*Alice's P.O.V.*
The old lady put a chalice against my neck, blood from my half slit throat poured into it. "Yes," She breathed, licking her grimy lips, Pain pulsed through me and I was hardly able to think. "Maybe today I will find the blood that'll wake my husband, maybe it'll be your's." The cut on my neck prevented me from saying he was dead. The image of the maggots eating the sockets of his eyes fled through my vision, and the old woman smiled, standing up. She didn't bother with my neck wound, she left.

Shooting up, my neck burned. It felt raw, looking down I saw my drawing. Sweat showered me, and I was trembling. Looking up, I saw what happened on my neck. Where she was cut, there was a pink mark across my neck, like a freshly scabbed over wound, and it burned. There was no way to hide that. A headache pounded through my skull, usually every morning I did research, but I needed a shower. Before I could get up, I looked back down, and saw unreadable writing scrawled all over the drawing, and quickly snapped the journal shut. Reaching over, I grabbed my glasses and slid them on. It was five in the morning, and no one was awake, so I snuck out and took a quick shower. When I looked in the mirror, the mark was even more visible, and I sighed. It didn't look like a rash, it very clearly looked like something hit me and left a mark. Sighing, I figured I might as well watch the sunrise. So I climbed out onto the ceiling and froze in surprise. Elliot was there. He also didn't notice me. Most of me wanted to just leave him there, but Elliot loved his sleep. Getting up at five in the morning was a big no for him. So I climbed up, closing the hatch. My curiosity got the best of me, and I walked over, sitting five inches away. He looked at me. "Why are you up?" His voice was rugged with sleep. "Why are you up is what I'm wondering." I responded, inspecting his face, "I didn't fall asleep." He answered, I stared at him in surprise. "Why not?" I asked, he shrugged. But it obviously wasn't nothing. "You alright?" I asked more slowly, he looked at me, he was obviously tired.

"I'm wondering that about you. I saw you drawing in your sleep, and more importantly, I saw what you were drawing in your sleep." I froze in surprise, why was he even in my room? "You left your glasses on the counter, I brought them into your room."

The thought of Elliot touching my glasses made me want to rip them from my face, and snap them in half. The thought that he invaded my privacy like that made me want to snap him in half. Letting out an exasperated sigh, I shrugged. "I don't know." I stated, he looked at me, and I stared up at him. Then suddenly his eyes closed and he fell sideways. On me. His face rested on my shoulder, his body leaning on mine. I supported his weight, and disgust rolled through me in waves. Part of me wanted to shove him off and leave, but sighing, I knew something had to be seriously wrong for Elliot to faint.

His breath hit the nape of my neck, and I was surprised how my heart jumped each time it did. He even shivered slightly. Sighing, I slid off the robe I'd thrown on over my pajamas so I'd be warm, and draped it over him. It was a very warm robe, and I made sure it covered him well. Of course it didn't exactly fit his tall frame, but I did my best. Looking up, I watched the sky, and flinched in surprise when Elliot actually pulled the robe closer himself, and nuzzled his face closer against me. I knew he was asleep and just trying to get more comfortable, but it still surprised me. Now his head pressed against my jawline, his breath still hitting the nape of my neck, and brushing against my collarbone. He must be exhausted. Reaching over, I felt his forehead, he felt like he had a serious fever.

And I had no way of getting him back into the house.

*Nisha's P.O.V*

Getting up, I wiped away my tears. Everyone still thought Alice was so perfect, and I'm just trash to them. I'm trash to everybody. Lugging myself out of bed, my bones felt heavy. Alice was perfect, and here I was, stupid, always stupid. Resentment burned in my chest. Why, why did she get to be so fucking perfect? Throwing on some clothes, I stepped out and walked into the kitchen. We needed to go to the store. Slamming the fridge door in frustration, I let out a breath to calm myself. At least Elliot still talked to me. He was my sanity here.
Opening Alice's door, she wasn't in her room, so I just closed it. Turning I saw Ryder. "Hey, we need to go to the store." He looked at me, "Okay." He'd rather go with Alice, I could tell. Ryder didn't have to be rude to me to show his hatred. "I think she's on the roof, I'm going to go tell her, want to go together?" His response was, "Okay." Letting out an exasperated sigh, I started climbing the ladder to get to the ceiling.

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