Ch. 5 Betrayal.

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*Alice's P.O.V.*    
When I woke up, I was shackled. Blood oozed over one of my eyes, and my clothes were ripped and mangled. As if someone got upset and tore them, or something ripped them. There were small nicks and scratches all over my arms and I have to assume my back too. As pain pulsed through my skull from my throbbing head wound, it seared through my back as well.

    Soon, as I gathered my bearings, I heard it. Moans and groans. Looking around I saw other girls in my exact position, but it was obvious that they'd been here longer than I. They were bloodied cut, bruised. Fear sparked up in my chest but my exhaustion made the situation slow to process. I'd been abducted by that old woman, with the dead husband in her bedroom. The room around me was completely cement, and blood stained. I was in a torture chamber. There was only one exit, and I assumed that exit had one person guarding it.

    My throat was too dry for me to speak and I wondered how long I'd been here. Soon, the door opened, the old lady walking through, she gave me a malicious grin. "Sleeping beauty, awake at last, but not from the prince's kiss." Her voice was still pleasant, like it was as she offered me that drugged lemonade. She walked over to me, "Are you thirsty?" She gripped my chin so my head would stop lolling around. Blinking, slowly I nodded, and she grinned. "Good I have some water for you." Unshackling me, she hauled me up and I was surprised at my inability to walk. Stumbling she was my only support, my murderer was my only support.

    She lead me down a dark cement hallway, into a room. It had a wooden board with shackles on it, like some medieval torture device, and it was able to rotate. "Lean against it, you'll get your water soon my dear." She ordered, shoving me. My back slammed against it, and she shackled my wrists and ankles to the large wooden board. "Are you ready for your drink?" She asked, I stared at her blankly. Unable to predict the horrors that would soon reign.

    Grabbing the top of the board, she flipped it so my feet were upward and my head was facing the floor, I was slightly inclined but I wasn't completely upside down. She took time as she put a burlap sack over my head, I tried to scream but only a low moan escaped. The burlap blocked my vision, and suddenly water was being poured over my head, I was drowning, drowning. I choked and tried to yell for help but it stopped me. After a few minutes, she pulled the back from my head, and growled, "Are you a virgin?" I didn't see how that related to this, "Lie and you will die." She added, I looked at her, "Are you?" She growled, I knew if I lied she'd be able to tell. Not that I was in a position to lie, my brain was too foggy and my lungs were too watery to come up with a coherent lie.

    Annoyed at my lack of response, and she put the burlap back over my head and when she did it this time, I really did scream through the pain. Then she ripped away again, "Are you?" She demanded.

    "Yes." I answered, she smiled slowly.

    "You'll be the perfect sacrifice."

    I woke from my bed with a start, and I felt sick to my stomach. Reaching up, I was surprised to find my face soaked in water, like I'd been that girl from the dream. The nausea was really getting to me, and I knew I would have to throw up. Bolting from my room, I almost ran straight into Elliot, but I ran past him to the nearest trashcan in the bathroom, and threw up. My head throbbed, and I felt horrible. When I finally stopped, Elliot asked, "Why are you hair and face wet?" I shrugged, before retching again but nothing came out. Panting I leaned my head against the tiled wall of the bathroom, "I'll get you some medicine." He said bluntly walking off.

    Ryder found me soon after, "What happened?" I shrugged, hugging the trashcan like it was my one and only true love. "You think it was the chicken Nisha made?" He asked, before I could answer, Elliot walked back in with his usual calm expression, and handed me a glass of water and some stomach medicine. I drank it gladly, and swallowed the pills. "I don't know, I just felt a little sick." Ryder nodded in sympathy.

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