Ch. 32 Needing A Statement.

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*Elliot's P.O.V.*

By the time we made it back to the town, our legs were aching. Ryder's arms were sore, my head was still pounding, and I was too light headed to even walk straight. I looked absolutely plastered, and Ryder had to sit down. The light sheen of sweat on his face evident as the moon hung in the sky. It was nearly midnight. Looking around, the world was blurring, and I vaguely recognized a pay phone. Stumbling over, I steadied myself and looked at it. It needed a quarter. Rummaging through my pockets, I thanked the lord when I realized I had spare change.

Shoving it into the coin slot, I quickly dialed 911. We both needed to go to the hospital. "Hello, what's your problem?" A calm female voice asked, "My friend and I," my voice was interrupted by my own heavy panting as standing upright was becoming increasingly difficult. "Your friend and you what?" She asked, "This lady she tried to kill us, she has my friend, please come and get us. We escaped, but we're both injured." I forced myself to speak. Ryder's eyes were drooping. "Okay, where are you two?" She asked, I wondered how the phone operator's could always sound so calm. "Ryder where are we?" He rattled off a street name, and I repeated it to the phone operator. "Okay, we have people on the way. Stay on the phone with me until they arrive." She said, I nodded feverishly. "I don't think I can, everything is really blurry." I slurred. Before she could say anything in response, I felt my eyes roll to the top of my head and I passed out.

*Alice's P.O.V.*

I was in a field, a completely bare field, with nothing but a couple sunflowers, daisies, and plush green grass. The slight, gentle breeze combed through my black hair, and I felt no pain. I could see through both eyes, and wore a thin white dress. My feet were bare the soft green grass beneath me. Bliss filled me as I inspected the serene landscape.


I turned around in surprise to see Elliot, "Elliot!" I exclaimed, smiling, and tackling him in a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt warmth and comfort. "Why am I here?" He asked, looking up, I raised a brow. "The last time I saw you it was because you were stuck in a dream, I remember being torn apart. Am I being summoned just to be used again?" He asked, my hearth thudded. "This is a dream?" He must've seen the sadness on my face. "Oh Alice," he crushed me in another hug, his lips brushing against my temple as he held me close. "It's so real." He whispered, pulling me back, I stared up as he wiped away my tears. "What happened Alice?"

"The old lady, she injured you, hitting you in the head, injured Ryder. She stabbed me, in the left eye. And tortured me." I answered, his eyes widened. "Oh Alice, I'm so sorry. I wish I was there," he kissed my forehead. I shivered, suddenly not so at peace. Elliot stroked the side of my face, "Don't worry Alice, every time you fall asleep, I'll be here." He assured me, I nodded wiping away my tears. "Hey, Alice," he called, making me look back up at him. "I love you," He said, and he leaned down. Pressing his lips against mine, before I could say anything in response, suddenly I was freezing and all the pain returned to my limbs and eye.

My eyes snapped open and the old lady was hovering over me with a malicious smile, and a bucket. I was covered in freezing water, shivering. Her smile widened.

*Elliot's P.O.V.*

My eyes snapped open and I was in a bare white room. An IV hooked up to my arm. My head still felt like cotton but my mind was focused on my dream. I was in a field with Alice... Before my thoughts could continue, a doctor stepped in. He had a small smile resting on his lips as he looked at me. "Do you want some water?" He asked, I nodded slowly, he helped me drink from a bottle, and moved the the bed position using a small remote so I was sitting up.

"Do you feel better, you had a minor concussion, it's surprising you were able to walk as long as you did. Also good job on your friend's cast."

"I... feel...better," I murmured in response. He smiled a little, "Good," he wrote something on his clipboard. "So about your 911 call, some officers were wondering if they could come in and interview you." I nodded, "Can I have your parent's names?" I nodded, "Zayne and Kacey Hale." I murmured, soon after he left some cops stepped in. A girl and guy. "Tell us all what happened." The guy ordered, and I started from the beginning of the trip, and they listened carefully as the trip gradually turned sour.

"Then after the brake lines were cut and our phones were stolen, our friend Nisha went missing after going out with the old lady. Then about a day afterwards, we all knew the old lady was that woman who abducted those girls 20 years ago. We heard a noise outside, and then Ryder grabbed the shotgun and stepped out, Alice and I waiting in fear," I told them everything. "It's our top priority to get your friend," They assured. I nodded.

"We have to collect a statement from your other friend, Ryder. We'll also be alerting your parents about what happened."

I nodded, and after they left I dozed off again.


Hey, sorry about the late update..again... because of school I'm getting a new schedule for when my updates will be. I'll post at least one chapter on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Thank you lovelies for your patience.


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