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Nico POV

I had defeated the last of the monsters that had followed my trail. Wiping the beads of sweat that dripped down my face, I sheathed my sword. Despite what Will had said I had come out shadow traveling. Again. I hadn't been paying close attention or I would have noticed the empusai [spelling?] that crawled up behind me.

I was eating a happy meal. Don't judge...'cause I can send you to the Underworld in the blink of an eye.

All the shadow traveling had finally gotten to me. Being able to disappear and reappear when fighting was a real plus and I liked using it to my advantage, but it drained my energy really quickly. I was feeling a little drowsy now. The McDonald's in front of me was spinning almost as if the Earth had fallen off its axis. My knees buckled as my vision got blurry and my eyes drooped. The middle of a road was not the best place to fall unconscious so I tried my best to move. Futilely, may I add. Using my last ounce of strength I shadow traveled to who knows where.


Yes, yes, yes! I had finally gotten my license and was legally able to drive!. I had been waiting quite a while for this (ever since I found out what a car was) and my wish had come true. I thanked my father as he placed the keys to his car in my hands giving me a speech on driving safely and such. I wasn't really listening though. i kind of just assumed that was what he said; I was too excited to care! (really dangerous on my part now that I think about it)

"Now remember everything and take good care of Cheryl," my father said, seriously. I had the strange urge to laugh at him but I restrained a certain extent.

"Cheryl? You named your car Cheryl? What kind of a name is that for a old grey Toyota?" I asked biting my lip to keep from smiling.

"I think it is a wonderful name. You know that was what I wanted to name you, but your mom thought otherwise. So instead I named our car Cheryl,"

Wow, Dad. #lifegoals

"Also," my dad continued ignoring the weird face I was making, "don't drive random people places. I don't want any guys in that car,"

"Yeah, uhuh be careful blah blah blah. I got it Dad. Now can I go? Please, please, please?"

"Of course, darling," my father said chuckling.


So I was cruising around town in Cheryl (the name kind of stuck) all around Pinnowa Woods. It was a small town that was heavily wooded, but being cleared for buildings and shopping complexes and stuff like that. A complete waste of natural beauty if you ask me, but obviously no one did.

As I was muttering to myself about how the world was corrupt and needed to stop clearing forests and how Putin keeps messing with the Russian Constitution, I noticed a faint snore from the backseat. I would have dismissed it as nothing if it wasn't for all the horror movies I had watched. I absolutely loathed horror movies because every five minutes I would by screaming my head off and wondering why the killer was so evil. But it was almost like an addiction and I couldn't stop watching them.

Yeah, I've got a problem.

Pulling up into the parking lot at the recently built shopping complex, I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned around looking at the back seat. I saw a boy with dark black hair (disheveled but kinda cute), ghostly pale skin, wearing all black.

The one thing other than his handsome appearance that stood was the dangerously sharp sword that hung from his waist.

It was really shiny, so naturally I thought I would take a look, waking up the sleeping boy in the process.

His eyes were a dark brown and reminded my of broken glass. They held so much pain and suffering that I just couldn't look away.

"What are you looking at?" he asked as he yawned and stretched, "I don't like people staring at me,"

My mouth opened and closed as I attempted to speak but failed. There was a really good-looking boy in my car. HOLY MOTHER OF OATMEAL! Dad said no boys...well I didn't really know where the boy came from but Dad was going to kill me if he found out!  

Nico Di Angelo x Reader Oneshots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now