Just friends...

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Hey Rosie! So, I have this guy friend and everyone has known he has liked me since 3rd grade, including me! But, I don't like him that way. I want to be friends with him without having the awkwardness of him having feelings for me that I don't for him. But I don't want to hurt his feelings! What do I doooo? :(

Dear Friend,

I think that you should try to make it obvious that you don't have a crush on this guy, but don't make it to where he doesn't want to be your friend!

Lets say his name is...Timmy.

You could stop talking to Timmy for a while and see where that takes y'all, or you could tell him, " Timmy, I know you have a crush on me, but I don't feel the same way, can we just be friends?"

Good luck buttercup

-Rose 😚

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