Missing Your Friendship

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I like my friend but she spends most of her time in her group. she says I am second in friend list of her. I am nervous. please tell me ways so that she leave them and talk to me more.

Dear Rosie ,

It really sucks when our friends are in other groups or are friends with people we aren't.

You can't really make your friend stop being friends with these other people. There are many things that you can do to hangout with her more though!

Make friends with her friends: You may not like her friends and that's okay, I understand! But you could always try and get to know them!

Ask her to hangout: if she says she can't hangout a certain day, make plans to another time!

She may not realize that you feel this way: You could tell her that you miss your friendship, and tell her what's going on. You could also talk to her more often!

Hope you guys become close again!

-Abby 💕

Teenage AdviceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora