Chapter 19

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AN: hi! So do you guys like the story so far? Also do you like when i put a little recap in here? If you do comment below and ill put it in!!! Also the mystery person and a bunch of drama is coming up in the next chapter. This is sort of a filler but its cute!


*walking into bakery*

Ella's POV

Jillian and i walked into the bakery. I felt like i had butterflies in my stomach. It was a really weird feeling walking into the bakery basically as a different person.

"Hi guys!" Jillian shouted

"Wow-you look amazing" said Finn with a smile.

Harry ran out from behind Finn and came towards me.

"I'm liking the colour"Harry said winking at me.

I let out a small giggle.

"Is that all you have to say styles?" I added.

He pulled my tiny body into a hug.

"You look beautiful" he whispered.

A smile lit up my face.

"Awh-you guys are so cute" added Jillian. She was the best at ruining these kind of moments with her remarks.

We all laughed at Jillian's comment and smiled.

"So what do you guys have planned for tonight?" Asked Finn.

I looked towards Harry for an answer, because i didn't think we had anything planned but i just wanted to make sure.

"Nothing lad" Harry replied with a smile.

"Well then,do you guys want to go to a club tonight with Jillian and I?" Finn asked.

Before we could answer Jillian cried out.

"Please please come Ella! I'm always stuck with all of Finn's friends, and I'm always the only girl!!"

Harry looked at me for approval.

"Yeah sure,we would love to come" i smiled. Harry shot back a cheeky grin towards me, his dimples lighting up his face.

"Okay will all meet at my place at 8"

"We'll you guys will already be there" he laughed.

"So Jillian meet us here then" finn added.

"Alright, see you boys later- text me tonight before we go Ella" Jillian Said as she walked out of the bakery.

"Bye!" I waved as she walked out.

"Why don't you go up and start getting ready-we know how long it takes for you girls to get ready" Finn let out.

"We don't take that long! You try being a girl!" I protested.

"Me and finn will just close the bakery and ill be up soon babe" Harry added.

I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Harry's lips.

I turned around and began walking up the metal stairs into our flat.


*later that night*

"We're home" Harry and Finn yelled as they walked through the door.

I sat on our bed staring down at the three outfits I choose. The first outfit i picked out was a black tight dress with triangular cutouts around the rib area, the second outfits was also a dress. It was a mint green colour and was tight at the top with a sweat heart neckline and went out at the button. Last but not least the last outfit was a pair of sequinned high waisted shorts with a loose white blouse that was studded on the collar. I slipped my white i-Phone out of my pocket and snapped a picture of all the outfits to send to Jillian.

To : Jillian 😘

Which one should i wear?!?



Being a girl was so hard sometimes. I continued to stare blankly at the piles of clothes on my bed.

suddenly Harry walked into the room and threw himself onto the bed back first. His body fell onto the pile of clothes laid out.

"Harry!" I screamed trying to push his toned body off my clothes.

"Your going to ruin them!" I added.

He rolled over and off of the clothes while he laughed. I grabbed a hold of all of the clothes and placed them back into order. I shot Harry an annoyed glare. He leaned up off the bed and grabbed my chin with his large hand and kissed me. Harry fell back onto the bed and i fell with him. I pulled away from the playful kiss.

"Not now Harry I'm having a crisis!" I let out.

Harry continued to laugh, i think he thought this whole situation was pretty funny.

"You should wear the green one" Harry said in a serious tone after he stopped laughing.

I grabbed the dress and placed it over my body, posing in diffrent positions as i looked down at it.

"Okay are you sure?" I said seriously.

"Yes Ella. It's cute" Harry smiled.

"Now can we get back to that" Harry added.

"Get back to what?" I questioned.

Harry motioned his hand towards the bed. I let out a small giggle and gave Harry a "are you serious look".

"Not right now, but good try styles" i winked.

Harry got off the bed and kissed my cheek.

"Maybe later" he whispered into my ear smirking.

I nodded my head.

"Now go i only have 20 more minutes to get ready!"

Harry laughed as he left the room closing the door behind him.

As soon a Harry left my phone buzzed it was a text from Jillian.


The mint green dress!! It totally goes with your new hair :)



I tapped my fingers quickly against the screen of my phone.


Well thanks for lending me it!:)

Harry picked that one too!!



All my clothes so far are just hammy downs or clothes Jillian has let me borrow until i can make some money to buy some of my own.

I picked up the mint green dress and slipped it over my body.

I walked over to the bathroom and let down my hair. I had already curled it in loose curls earlier. I pulled out my tiny bag of makeup and applied a layer of powder foundation and a bit of mascara. I liked the way the natural look looked with my new hair colour. I walked over to the full length mirror and admired my new appearance.

"Ella it's time to-" Harry walked in to the room.

I looked over to Harry.

"What?" I said blankly.

"You look beautiful" Harry said.

I walked over to Harry.

"Thank you, you don't look to bad your self styles" I added.

AN: anybody have a ship name for this?!?

Which character is your fav?

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