Chapter 17

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Hi guys! Im super sorry for not having any chapters up lately but it has been pretty busy with school and things.

I am also having a really hard time thinking of ways to start each chapter..i have all the chapters basically planned until the end of the story but if you have any ideas, please comment !

Also here's a little re cap if you don't remember what happened last chapter: so ella was supposed to go for coffee with Jillian but the "mystery man" almost raped her.. Jillian brought her home and that night harry and her... Ya you know ;)

So thank you!!

Onto the story

*the next morning*

Ella's POV

I cuddled onto the soft sofa in my tight white tank top,large sweater and loose flannel pajama pants. I reached my hand for the remote beside me and began flipping through the channels on the television. Even though it was only 8:00, I couldn't sleep after what happened last afternoon. It's all i kept thinking about.

I focused my attention back onto the tv program and curled up on the couch. My eyelids began to flutter closed as i didn't have much sleep last night either. My eyes slowly shut and i began drifting off into a light sleep. Suddenly i felt two strong arms curl around my shoulders, and light curls brush against my face.

"Good morning love" Harry said softly into my ear.

"Good morning" i followed, as Harry jumped over the back of the couch and Fell next to me.

He leaned in and placed a light kiss on my lips.

"I forgot to ask how your day was yesterday" he explained.

"Did you girls have fun?" He giggled.

"Yeah.. It was..." I paused for a second

"Um good" i felt guilty not telling Harry what actually went on.

Harry shot me a confused look.

"It was just erm .. Good?" Harry asked.

"Yeah,you know... We did the usual...girl stuff" i said not sounding to convincing.

I knew Harry knew something was up.

Harry's POV

"I know something's wrong" i said while brushing Ella's hair behind her ear.

She moved her body further away from me and turned around.

"Ella you could tell me anything you know.." I said quietly.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and turned her around.

There was a small tear dripping down her cheek.

Ella's POV

"We didn't end up having a girls day yesterday..." I began.

"That's okay, you girls could hang out another time" harry said in a confused tone.

I let out a small laugh as i wiped a tear away from my eye.

"No its not that..." I said quietly.

Harry's green orbs peered into mine,signaling me to go on.

"Yesterday when i was walking to the coffee shop, a man pushed me into this small side street......and tried to-to"

"Ella what happened" harry said in a demanding tone. His eyes filled with anger.

"He tried to rape me" I said quietly.

I looked up at Harry.

His usual light green eyes grew darker. You could tell that he was not only mad but pissed.

Harry grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"How did he look?" He said with anger.

"He had light brown hair, and he was tall and -um...built," i hesitantly answered.

Harry's POV

"He had light brown hair, and he was tall and -um...built," Ella hesitantly answered.

My body filled with anger.

It was him.

I put my hands on Ella's shoulders.

"Listen to me.. NO ONE can touch you... Except me"

"I WILL get him" I answered.

"No Harry you don't-" Ella said while trying to calm me down.

"Listen to me...this afternoon go to the salon with Jillian. Dye your hair a totally different color, understand?" I demanded.

Ella just nodded.

I leaned my face closer to hers.

"No one.....will" i said in between each soft kiss i placed on her lips.

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