Chapter 18

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AN: hey guys so heres another chapter ! Please comment and vote! I'm waiting until i have at least 5 votes and comments to post the next one:)

RECAP: ella told Harry what happened the day of the "incident" harry got pretty worked up about it and he's sending Ella to dye her hair a whole different color!

Thanks so much for everything and almost 18K on fall!

*That afternoon*

Ella's POV

I stared at myself in the full length mirror. I was wearing a pair of loose high waisted shorts and a light knit sweater. I pulled my hair out of the loose top knot at the top of my head and let in fall down against my shoulders. I brushed my fingers through my light brown hair. I was worried to dye it because i was really never aloud to. I stared at myself trying to imagine my hair being a different color.

Harry went down to the bakery earlier to help out finn for a bit so i was alone.

A tear dripped down my face. I didn't question Harry when he told me to do this because i know there is something he's keeping from me and i know he told me to do this for a reason. The truth is i just want Harry to tell me whats going on.

The sound of a loud knock on the front door made me jump. I quickly walked to the wooden door and peered through the opening. It was Jillian. I unlocked the door and let her inside.

She was wearing the cutest little floral print dress I'd ever seen.

"Hi Jillian" i said smiling.

She immediately leaned in and hugged me.

"Everything's going to be alright, Harry knows what he's doing"she said as she released herself from the hug.

I smiled back at her response.

"I know" i let out.

It was quite for a few moments when suddenly Jillian jumped in.

"We'll let's go! A girl needs a spa day once in a while!" She laughed.

Jillian's presence made me happy, she was the only girl around here..well that i knew at least.

We walked down the old metal stairs and into the bakery. Harry was serving someone at the font of the shop.

"Bye finn" Jillian and i said in unison.

We quickly walked to the front of the shop where Harry was standing in his black t-shirt and black skinny jeans.

"Hello Harry" Jillian said in a cheerful voice.

"We'll were off!" Jillian said while walking out the door.

Harry placed a soft kiss on my forehead and i smiled.

"I love you" he whispered.

Still looking at Harry i turned around and walked out the door to catch up with Jillian.

In this town everything was in walking distance on this strip, so the hair salon was only a 5 min walk.


*at the salon*

As we made our way through the door a little bell rang causing a older woman to turn around and greet us.

"Good afternoon ladies"she said cheerfully

"Do you young ladies have an appointment today?" The lady asked.

"Umm n-" Jillian cut me off

"No we don't it was sort of a last minute thing, do you think you can squeeze in a quick hair dye its an emergency.. Please" Jillian told the lady.

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