Chapter 4

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Chapter four

*at the mall*

Serena's POV

Ella's POV

" Harry what store do you want to go to?" I asked turning to face the curly haired boy. " ermm doesn't matter love" he replied. " wherever you would like to go us fine" he added. Don't have to tell me twice! And with that I pulled his hand and directed him towards top shop. At first I started looking for some clothes for myself. I picked out a couple things and directed Harry to the change room. " come out to show me" he said as I was walking into the change room. I first tried a a knit sweater and a pair of jeans. I came out, " you look amazing" harry said while looking at me up and down. " thanks" I replied while letting out an awkward giggle, I wasn't really used to guys complementing me.

"Well i think i'll get this .. And then will go shopping for you okay" i said cheerfully.

Harry went along with everything and just nodded his head.

I went back into the change room and changed back into Harry's outfit pick. I walked out of the change room holding the knit sweater and tight like jeans over my arm.

"You ready" i shot at Harry.

He got up off the seating area and walked with me towards the men section.

"So what do you like to wear Harry" i said while examining his messy outfit. He was wearing a plain t-shirt with the words "hipsta please" on it and a pair of tight jeans. I scavenged through the racks to find some similar pieces Harry might like. I pulled out a couple of hangers from the rack.

"How about these" i say while holding up the t-shirts. They were plain t-shirts,some with graphics and some with just a plain color.

Harry nodded.

"And your obviously going to need some pants.." I said laughing

"Maybe not" Harry laughed as well, while planting a discreet wink on his face.

We both shared a small giggle then walked towards the men pant section.

"I think these would look perfect on you" i said while pulling a bunch of blue and black skinny jeans off the shelf. They looked similar to the ones Harry already had on so i knew they would be a winner.

We walked towards the cash.

"I think these will last you a while" i said while looking down at the clothes. We made our way through the line.

It was finally our turn to pay. I dropped the bunch of clothes onto the glass counter top. The short cashier rang them in and folded all the clothes into a large bag.

"That will be 195.32" the worker replied.

Without hesitation i pulled out my black leather wallet and search through the pocket for my debit card. I began pulling the slim card out of the slot to hand it to the cashier when Harry stopped me.

"Ella,let me pay" Harry insisted.

"No don't worry! I brought you shopping.. I'll just tell my parents it was for an emergency or something. " i replied in a reassuring voice.

"Don't worry it's fine, you could make it up to me later" i began once again.

I gently pushed Harry away and gave my card to the waiting cashier.

"Thank you for shopping at Top Shop have a nice day" the cashier said while handing me my bag.

"You too!" I replied.

Harry reached for the large bag and took it into his hand while we walked out of the shop.

The mall was packed and crowds of people cluttered the mall halls. I stopped in the middle of the hall and looked down at my watch. I began to panic. It was already 3:00 and my parents were probably already home.

"Harry we have to go!" I said almost yelling in panic.

"Why what's wrong?" Harry said looking around almost nervous.

"My parents are already home Harry, how am i supposed to get you inside now" i panicked.

Harry reached for my hand. We began running through the mall. Pushing through the crowds of people. We ran and ran until we reached the parking lot. I dug my hands into my jacket pocket searching for the keys.

I was sweating, i was nervous. I was scared Harry would get caught. And in reality i didn't want him to. I wanted him to stay.

Harry placed both his hands on my shoulder and turned me to face him.

"Ella. Its going to be fine, okay" he grabbed my body and brought me into a hug while rubbing my back.

I lifted off of Harry's warm body and pulled the keys out of my pocket. I clicked on the car keys.

The car beeped and the door unlocked.

We both jumped in the car.

The Hideout (A Harry Styles Fanfic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now