Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

" shit shit shit" I said in panic. I drove my white Mercedes into the driveway parking right behind my PARENTS car.

" what do we do?" I asked harry in panic.

" Ella love calm down" he said calmly. How could he be so calm? I guess I'm just scared of losing him. I know it's only been one day but I feel safe in his presence. Even though I know he's dangerous something about him intrigues me, I want to find out his story. I took a second to calmly think.

" I have an idea!" I announced out loud.

" we can sneak in through my basement window...ill distract my parents while you run up into my room!" I said enthusiastically.

" okay " harry said while smiling.

We both exited my white car and made our way to the side of the house. It was such an adrenaline rush, sneaking around with this bad boy and hiding him from my parents. I was always the good little Ella. In school I was always that awkward girl who just focused on good grades, always playing it safe. My parents were always really strict I always just behaved and followed the rules. I wanna do something fun for once, something unpredictable i thought to myself. I was pulled back to reality when harry nudged me.

" you go in first and make sure it's clear, than I'll slide in behind you" he whispered. I nodded and slid myself through. I looked around for a moment. THANK GOD the coast was clear.

" come in " I said a little louder so that Harry was able to hear me. Within seconds I saw Harry's long legs come through and his toned body slide through right after. He jumped to the ground and did a little hair flip to fix his hair and then ran his fingers through it to straighten it out. I thought my heart just stopped, I never took the time to realize how attractive he really was. He looked down at me with his mezmorizing green eyes, pulling me out of my daydream.

" now we have to get to your room" he whispered. I thought about it for a moment.

" okay I will go ask my parents how their day went and such and than you go through the dining room and QUIETLY sneak up the stairs and into my room. Leave the door open though. " I instructed him, he nodded his head. with that I made my way up the stairs and into the kitchen,where I knew my parents would be. I walked in and they were sitting reading the newspaper and eating a snack at the kitchen table as i suspected.

" hi mom and dad" I said cheerfully.

" hi honey" my mom said while pulling me into a hug. I sat in the seat next to her.

" so where were you today" she asked.

" at the mall" I said casually.

" by yourself?" She asked.

" no with tori " I replied.

Tori was my best friend and basically only friend, she's the only person I do anything with so i knew my mom wouldn't question it if I said I was with her.

" okay love, what would you like for dinner" my mom said respectfully.

I thought about it for a second, I remember at the mall with harry when we were just talking and he mentioned his favorite food was tacos.

" ermm tacos" I said with a smile.

" sure" my mom said while smiling back. We have been talking for about 5 minutes, harry should be up there by now. We probably should've thought of a communication method i thought. I decided to go anyway.

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