Chapter 135: Uchiha's Rewards And Attention

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"I'm back," Obito exclaimed cheerfully as he entered the house and changed his shoes, informing his grandmother of his return.

"Hmm, is Grandma out for a walk?" Obito wondered when he received no response.

Normally, whenever he announced his return, Grandma would either come to the door to greet him or respond with her voice.

As Obito entered further, he realized it wasn't that Grandma wasn't there, but rather they had visitors. Grandma was entertaining guests, hence the delayed response.

"Obito, welcome home," Grandma said kindly with a gentle smile.

Curiously, Obito glanced at the guest sitting in the living room—a middle-aged man with brown hair dressed in deep blue attire.

Though unsure of the man's identity, Obito was certain he was from their Uchiha Clan, as indicated by the Ninja headband he wore and the Uchiha fan pattern on the back of his clothes.

"Obito, you've arrived just in time. Say hello to Uncle Yashiro," Grandma reminded.

"Hello, Uncle Yashiro," Obito obediently greeted the guest as instructed by his grandmother.

Uchiha Yashiro smiled and praised, "Ah, Obito, you're quite impressive. Among the Uchiha around your age, you're one of the best."

"Hehe, not too bad," Obito scratched his head and chuckled, not feeling particularly moved. Since he didn't even know the present Uchiha Yashiro, he wouldn't have much emotion from the praise of a stranger, unlike from his grandmother, Rin, or Mutsuki.

"Oh, by the way, Grandma, I got first place in the practical exam!" Obito eagerly shared the good news with his grandmother.

"Well, our Obito is truly amazing. I'm sure you'll become an excellent ninja after you graduate," Grandma said with a smile, patting Obito's head and praising him.

Uchiha Yashiro nodded inwardly upon hearing Obito's words, believing that Obito indeed deserved his visit. Although being first in the grade doesn't guarantee future strength, it does prove excellence at the current stage. He remembered an Uchiha named Tekka who was the same age as Obito; Tekka's strength was considered good for his age, but he had never taken first place in the grade.

"Keep up the good work and strive to become a ninja worthy of inheriting the glory of the Uchiha," Uchiha Yashiro said.

After speaking, Uchiha Yashiro placed some nutritional supplements he brought on the table, then counted out fifty thousand ryo and placed it on the table as well.

"We Uchiha are never stingy with our outstanding clan members. This is a reward for your achievements," Uchiha Yashiro said.

He didn't come here to chat with Obito's grandmother; although Uchiha tend to have many relatives, aside from immediate family, normal Uchiha wouldn't waste time chatting with the elderly. He came to Obito's house specifically to reward him.

This was a policy within the Uchiha clan; if a clan member's strength far surpassed others of the same age, they would be rewarded.

Obito should have received this reward during the final exams. However, the Uchiha Elders didn't assign anyone to specifically monitor the ninja school's results. Obito only had his grandmother, and among peers, he was only close to another Uchiha, Shisui. He had very little presence within the Uchiha clan. So, it wasn't until recently that the Uchiha realized Obito, this Uchiha child with little presence, had emerged as a Uchiha genius.

"Keep practicing well. After you graduate, you can join the clan's police force. I'll personally guide you when the time comes," Uchiha Yashiro continued.

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