The last Battlefront

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A hologram of Malgus appeared in the office of Padme Amidala and a recovering Cora Amidala alongside them Anakin Skywalker and Y/N L/N.

MALGUS: Have you considered my request???

Y/N: There is no deal, but a challenge....

MALGUS: Why would I want to accept your challenge when I have the power to destroy you.

Y/N: I thought the Sith of our time believed they were better than the Jedi????

Malgus face frowned at the words of the grey Jedi.

MALGUS: Don't provoke me ..............

Y/N: (Smirking) Whose provoking? But you're right, if you want to hide behind your armada........

Malgus's hologram crackled with fury, his eyes ablaze with simmering rage at Y/N's bold words. The tension in the room palpable, each individual bracing for the inevitable clash.

MALGUS: (voice dripping with malice) You dare mock the might of the Sith Empire? You underestimate my power, Jedi????

Y/N's smirk remained firmly in place, as he took a step forward as he extended his arms towards the hologram,

Y/N: Then fight me like in the grand era where the Sith were feared and the Jedi at their highest. If you kill me then you'll end a conflict that should had ended thousands of years ago. You claim to be the pinnacle of the Sith, then face me the pinnacle of the Jedi order !!!!!

Malgus's hologram seemed to flicker for a moment, the intensity of Y/N's challenge catching even him off guard. The air in the room grew heavier as silence filled the space, each individual holding their breath, awaiting Malgus's response. For a fleeting moment, it appeared as though the Sith Lord hesitated, his gaze narrowing as he assessed Y/N's bold declaration. Then, with a sudden surge of dark energy, Malgus's hologram pulsed back to life, his voice resonating with sinister determination.

MALGUS: (with a wicked grin) Very well, Y/N. You have called for a duel reminiscent of the ancient days, and I shall indulge you. But know this, your defeat is inevitable we'll se each other at the dawn of that planet system.

Y/N: Bring your best warriors, I'll do the same.

The hologram disappeared as Y/N took a deep breath as he turned to face Padme who hugged him tightly. As he looked at Anakin and Cora doing the same.

Y/N: Tell the others, that we got our fight....

Anakin nodded as he with Cora left the room leaving the couple alone.

PADME: This is it........the final act.....

Y/N returned Padmé's embrace, a mixture of determination and apprehension coursing through their veins. They shared a moment of silent, knowing the gravity of the situation they were about to face.

Y/N: We've faced countless challenges together, Angel. This will be no different. We'll see it through to the end.

Padmé nodded, her eyes reflecting both pride and concern for Y/N's safety.

PADMÉ: I believe in you, Y/N. Always.

Y/N: You know you can't come to the battlefield, right?

PADME: Even if I want, I'll stay with the queen and Cora while the battle takes place, it's my duty with my planet.

Y/N: Let's go with the others then.....

As Padme and Y/N head towards the hangar of the senate, where Anakin, Cora alongside the new Jedi council was waiting alongside C3-PO who was caring Zuri while Cora and Anakin had Luke and Leia in their arms.

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