The start of the Phantom menace

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The blockade on Naboo continues and the Chancellor Valorum has requested that the Jedi council sends a representative to make a negotiation with the trade federation, meanwhile the Jedi council is deciding who should they send for this task.



It has been two weeks and half after I arrived at the Jedi temple on coruscant, and I can't say how happy I am to see all this peace but there has been a dark shadow rooming on the planet, but maybe I'm just to use to be always on my guard waiting for a Sith to attack me. 

Right now I'm walking to the tower of the Jedi council after I arrived here I was on rehab during a week and after being clear off I was able to continue with my training, it is a weird sensation I have been asleep for one thousand years yet it feels like yesterday when it all happened,  also I didn't lost my skills with the force and my lightsaber. The best part is that I became one of the best duelist in the temple behind Mater Windu, Master Yoda , and Master Dooku it may be because when I was a padawan in the old republic and we were at war being able to defend ourselves and fight back was as important as the connection with the force.

As I arrived at the door of the Jedi council y knocked the door when master Yoda told me to come in.

Yoda: Ahh young Y/N has arrived welcome you are.

Y/N: thank you master.

Master Shaak TI was the next one to speak 

Shaak Ti:  How is your recovery going young one

Y/N: It has been going well master I almost fell the same before I was frozen

Master Kit Fisto was the next one to speak  impressed

Kit Fisto: I still can't believe we found a Jedi from the old republic after all this years.

Y/L: I am as impressed as you master to be here it was the last thing I expected, but I am merely a padawan I still have a long way to go before becoming a Jedi.

I say with honesty I was only 17 when I was frozen and even, thou I am theoretically the oldest Jedi alive I didn't acquire any knowledge as master Yoda. It may be that my connection with the force grew stronger, but that wasn't the only thing you need as a Jedi.

My thoughts were interrupted as master Windu spoke

Windu: that's one of the things we wanted to talk about padawan

Yoda: Yes, yes important topic this is.

Y/N: I don't understand quite well masters

Master Ki-Adi-Mundi came to clear your doubts

Mundi: We have decided to officially make you a Jedi Knight

It felt like time stopped there I couldn't believe what they were saying I was just a normal padawan and no  one has ever become a knight at my age it was crazy.

Y/N: I feel honored that you believe I am ready, but I must ask why me I am as normal as any other padawan the only difference is the fact that I am from another era but that doesn't change anything.

Master Yoda was the one how gave the council reasons in his peculiar way.

Yoda: Exactly that from another time you are what makes you special it does, your experience valuable it is.

Master Windu was the next to continue with master Yoda's idea

Windu: Your combat and force ability out shadows all the other padawans of your age, you may not like it but we belief the old war has make you an even wiser Jedi.

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