Training and Warning

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A few moths have passed since the capture of Dooku and now the Sith faces trial. The senate of the republic insists that the Jedi turn in Count Dooku so he can face justice for all the crimes he committed towards the galactic republic, while the Jedi Council hasn't been able to extract anything that could lead them to the Sith mastermind or if he knows everything about the general of the old Sith empire. Meanwhile General Kira Sundar and her Padawan Cal Kestis aid Master Windu

PALPATINE: You need to understand my friends that the senate won't wait much longer to put on trial count Dooku.

The chancelour spoke with the Jedi master Yoda and Qui-Gon were

WINDU: We understand your excellency, but as for right now knowing where are the leaders of the separatists is the most important thing know, and Count Dooku knows where they are.

YODA: Many secrets my old padawan has, to know them of great importance to end the war they are .

PALPATINE: I understand, but I don't know how much time i can delay the trial.

QUI-GON: We need more time your excellency, if my old master enter on trial the probabilities of him being sentenced to death is certain.

PALPATINE: You don't believe that the senate will allow this to happen don't you?

Y/N: They'll do to send the separatist a meassage.

The chancellor and the Jedi masters turned to see Y/N L/N who stood beside the door of the chancellor's office.

YODA: Hmm happy to see you well I am, heard of your accident while helping luminary I did.

QUI-GON: How are you feeling Y/N?

Y/N: I fell a lot better master, thank you.

WINDU: It's good to see you well L/N, and I most congratulate you, your Ex padawan was of grate help in the battle for the liberation of Ryloth , she was well trained even if your method are orthodox.

Y/N: Thank you master.

WINDU: but back to the topic, I agree with him, it is most likely that they would like to set an example of the count.

Y/N: We can't have the count killed, not before we learn more about the separatist plans.

The chancellor looked at the four Jedi .

With that said the four Jedi bowed at the chancellor, left his office and head back to the Jedi Temple. Once they arrived Y/N and Qui-Gon took a different route than the other Jedi masters, they headed to the hangar where Obi-Wan was preparing to leave to mandalore to escort the Duchess back to the republic for the vote to keep the neutrality of mandalore in the war. They arrived at the hangar where the soresu master was waiting for them.

OBI-WAN: Y/N, Master, I thought you weren't going to arrive.

QUI-GON: Sorry old friend, the meeting with the chancellor was a bit longer than we expected.

OBI-WAN: I assume they want to start his trial as fast as possible right?

Y/N: Yes, but we haven't got anything from the count that we could use so we are basically against the wall.

QUI-GON: We'll cross that bridge once the senate decides what to do, now Obi-Wan don't be nervous of seeing the duchess.

OBI-WAN: Who said anything about being nervous?

Y/N: Come on Obi-Wan, don't be all stoic now.

Obi-Wan looked at his old master and brother in arms.

OBI-WAN: I don't know what to think, it has been a long time since I've seen her.

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