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Almost a month after the assault on Genosis things changed in a big way with the new clone army at our disposal the war began, and it was decided that we Jedi became the generals of a fleet to command the clones in battle, I haven't been assigned a battalion, but I suspect this is the reason for the council to call me. I haven't been called by them since I came back with the new armor and lightsaber, no one know about the archive that was there, and I understood after reading it why it was kept hidden. I finally arrived at the council chambers. As I enter, I saw that Obi-Wan was also there.

Y/N: Did you call me masters?

QUI-GON: Yes, old friend we need to discuss something with you.

MACE WINDU: I believe we should go directly to the point of us calling you here.

YODA: Yes, many things to do we have.

QUI-GON: Obi-Wan, Y/N we have assigned you a battalion for each one of you, we expect you to meet them and be prepare for your next mission as soon as possible.

Both of us nod at the older Jedi.

Y/N: What's the number of our battalion If I may ask?

MACE WINDU: Obi-Wan will lead the 212th battalion. While you Y/N will lead the 104th battalion.

YODA: Go to meet them after this you should.

QUI-GON: But before that we would want to talk about Anakin.

Anakin? Well I can't say this isn't new they have been looking at him since the beginning of his training.

MACE WINDU: The council has been discussing about making young Skywalker to become a knight.

This wasn't what I was expecting, but I can't say I am not happy for Anakin.

QUI-GON: We have told Anakin to come to the council tomorrow at night so we can make the procedures, we wish that both of you can be here for his ceremony.

OBI-WAN: I can speak for Y/N and me that we wouldn't miss this for anything in the world.

YODA : (smiling) Good bother you more we will not, continue with your duty you may.

We bow to them as we take our leave. As we were on the hallway of the temple, we couldn't contain our smile

Y/N: We did it. They are going to make Anakin a Jedi.

OBI-WAN: Yes, I am very proud of him, I believe this is a step closer for him to become the one that will bring balance to the galaxy.

Y/N: Yes, we are in need of that balance. Well I will go for Kira to meet our battalion I wish you luck with your battalion old friend.

Obi-Wan and I part ways as I head to the training grounds only to see my padawan training with a youngling, I can only look at her with proudness, she has become something I could never dream of becoming.

Y/N: I see you are teaching someone my padawan.

Kira turned around with a smile on her face-

KIRA: Good morning master, y was helping this youngling with her lightsaber form.

I look at the younger girl that was training with Kira she was a young togruta girl .

Y/N : Hello young one I am happy to see you are working on your lightsaber.

???: Thank you master L/N Kira has been a great help.

Y/N: I am happy to see that, but unfortunately, I must take Kira with me.

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