Mandalorian Problems

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Tensions are high, after an attempt of murdering Duchess Satine Kryze who now is on her way to the Coruscant escorted by Generals Kenobi, Skywalker and L/N with his padawan in an attempt  to convince the senate that the now terrorist group known as the Death Watch threatens the peace that the Duchess has fought to create in her home planet, and to stop the republic from sending a military forces to her planet. 

Y/N: Remember boys, we are just here to escort the duchess, but be ready to face anything that may come to our way. And Caleb If everything happens You'll stay with the Duchess okay?

WOLFE: Don't worry general, we'll be ready.

CALEB: Yes master, me and BD will do our job. Right buddy

BD-1: Beeps happily.

Y/N: (Nods) Anakin, is your group ready?

ANAKIN: Rex and the others are ready.

Y/N: Good,  Now let's get this over with.

PILOT: Generals we have permission to attach to the Coronet.

ANAKIN: Well, let's not keep Obi-Wan waiting.

The Jedi entered the ship where Obi-Wan was waiting for them alongside Cody.

OBI-WAN: Anakin, Y/N. Thank the force you are here.

Y/N: It's good to see you old friend.

ANAKIN: How are things going with the Duchess.

OBI-WAN: (Sights) not good The death wacht wont stop until she is killed. the want to start a civil war for the control of Mandalore.

Y/N: Do we know if they are backed up by the separatist?

OBI-WAN: We aren't sure but we can't discard that option until we are sure.

ANAKIN: We'll be ready for them. R2, BD. use your scanners to probe for any suspicious droid activity.

R2 and BD: Beeps affirmatively.

Y/N: Caleb, you'll stay with the duchess as her body guard if anything happens you'll be the last line of defense, I hope you are ready for the challenge.

CALEB: Yes master, nothing will happen if I have a say in it.

Y/N: (Smiles) That's the attitude.

REX: Anything else sir?

OBI-WAN: No, that will be all.

The clones left to their post guards as Obi-Wan receive a message that the duchess requested his presence. The four Jedi alongside their clone commanders went to the Duchess chambers. While they were on their way Anakin spoke.

ANAKIN: I sense some anxiety from you about the duchess. She couldn't be in safer hands.

OBI-WAN: Yes I know.

Y/N: I don't think that's the problem Anakin.

OBI-WAN: It's all in the past.

ANAKIN: Oh, so you were close to her?

OBI-WAN:(Angrily but then calms down ) I knew her....Long time ago.

Y/N:(Chuckles) This is going to be fun.

The four Jedi finally arrived at the chambers where the duchess was giving a speech about peace.

SATINE: I'll keep fighting for all the systems who want to stay neutral in this war.

OBI-WAN: And yet some might argue that the strongest defense is a swift and decisive offense.

Y/N and Anakin looked at each other with the same look on their face. the face they made when their wives were about to beat the force out of their body , they knew how bad someone could end if the fight the ideals of a decided woman after all they were married to two of the most stubborn senators of the galaxy.

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