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MAS AMEDDA: Order! Order!!

Finally, the uproar dies.

PALPATINE: In the regrettable absence of Senator Amidala, the chair recognizes Senior Representative of Naboo, Jar Jar Binks.

Jar Jar stands up from his seat and clears his throat as he starts speaking

JAR JAR Senators, fellow felagates...

Some cheer on him and some others criticize him

MAS AMEDDA: Order! The Senate will accord the Representative the courtesy of a hearing!

Comparative quiet. Jar Jar grips the edge of the podium.

JAR JAR: In response to the direct threat to the Republic from the Confederacy of Independent Systems, I propose that the Senate gives immediate emergency powers to the Supreme Chancellor. Who can deny these are exceptional? times? Exceptional times demand exceptional measures! Exceptional measures demand exceptional men!

As some of the senators approve the message other shout in disapproval ​​​​

ORN FREE TAA: We won't support a dictator.

JAR JAR: That is the sentiment every one of us agrees with! And when the shadow of war has dispersed and the bright day of liberty has dawned once again, the power we now give to the Supreme Chancellor will be gladly, and swiftly returned. Out ancient liberties will be restored to us, burnished even more brightly than before!

The whole crowd applause at the Gungan's words as the supreme chancellor rises.

PALPATINE: It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy... I love the Republic. The fact that this crisis is demanding I be given absolute power to rule over you is evident. But I am mild by nature and have no desire to destroy the democratic process. The power you give me I will lay down when this crisis has abated, I promise you. And all I ask in return is when my current term of office is over, you allow me to return and live out my life in peace.

MAS AMEDDA: We shall proceed to the vote. All those in favor of granting emergency powers to the Supreme Chancellor, signal ate at this time... those opposed?


The Naboo Starship lands. On the rocky planet as the two padawans prepare themselves to rescue their masters, until the two sisters start to head out of the ship.

ANAKIN: Hey, where are you going?

PADME: To find Obi-Wan and Y/N .

Anakin and Kira get up and stop her

ANAKIN: No! You're not!

He grabs Cora's arm as Kira dose the same to Padme arm.

PADME: Let go of me!

KIRA: I'm not letting you go out there. It's too dangerous.

PADME: What?!?

ANAKIN: It's our job to protect you. I said it's too dangerous. You're not going, and that's final!

PADME: Don't you give me orders, Annie! I'm a Senator of the Galactic Republic. You have no authority to contain me, restrain me, or direct me! Both of you remember your place. Now you can come along and protect me or stay here. It's up to you.

As she gets out of the ship both padawans stay in shock by the senator's ruthless arguments

KIRA: I understand now why master Y/N doesn't fight with her.

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